Click to play the video below for a special message from Dugi
How To Enter To Win A Cenarion Hatchling Pet
On the comment section below please enter
1. Your active account name
2. Your character region (US or EU)
eg. Dugi US
IMPORTANT: We only need to know your account name for, please don’t post any other personal information.
1. Entries will be closed on Thursday, May 12th and the comment section in this blog will be closed.
2. This pet give away are for active members only, so you must own at least one of our paid guides.
3. One entry per person.
4. All 200 winners will be randomly picked from the entry below and announced on this blog
5. Pet codes will be sent to their registered email on their account make sure you email is up to date in the members area.
Good luck to everybody that enters, if you don’t win I highly recommend you purchase one of these pets from the Blizzard Store and get your pet while donating $10 to the Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami relief efforts.
1,040 replies to "200 Cenarion Hatchling Give Away"
donated directly after the events, when no pet was available, but I’ll donate again if I don’t win here.
fufighter US
Account: XxSilentxRosexX
Realm: Lightning’s Blade US
keep up the good work dugi
i love the guides
rojell us
I forgot to put my account name, ooops
Jubei’Thos ociena
Uther US, I think this is a really cool thing you’re doing Dave, keep up the good work.
The generosity and help towards the Japanese is awesome. Please if i am picked i would like to email it to someone in Japan. As I have been purchasing and emailing as many as i can afford myself. Thanks
JackSpårrow US. remember i would rather mine go to a player in Japan
warorck us
Your User ID: dmw_43
Aprilstar US
You are greate ! And i love your guides : D
You guys are awsome. Thanks for helping the people of Japan too.
Dugi. First time I’ve seen your picture. What a fine looking young man you are. Your generousity has sparked the desire to help the Japanese too. Please dont inlude me in the draw. I will purchase one myself. Thanks for the wakeup.
Realm:Kilrogg (EU)
Winning the draw or buying it, either way I´m getting this pet.
(Missed the first part before, relay need to read things through) :o)
Skinlessdave EU
Kilrogg (EU)
Winning the draw or buying it, either way I´m getting this pet.
Pirateian3 US
glad to hear you are helping out you rock dugi 
Glad to see that people are donating for the relief fund, it’s helping them out a lot.
weedufus US
account- skeetdill123
realm- Drak’Thul US
love the guides, keep up the good work!