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  • #163958

      I’m sorely tempted to say “F it” and stop my subscription. I’ve downloaded the current installer and it’s giving me the “does not have permission” explanation. Same with trying to run as Admin. Does not work. At all. Funny, it “works” with manual install, but only as a “trial” user. Yes, I am logged in when I download the manual installer. This has been going on for at least three weeks, and have no idea what to do. I’ve posted before on the forums and while I was “helped” with suggestions, it did NOT fix the issue. I’d like to get to the bottom of this once and for all.

        So sorry to hear that you are getting the “You do not have permission” error, this is not a DugiGuide related issue, however a simple google search will result with this video that may help with resolving the permissions issues
        As far as ending ones sub, that’s entirely up to you.
        It seems the auto installer has issues reported here

          I could kiss you. The video you provided fixed my “problem.”

          It didn’t occur to me that it wasn’t a Dugi error. I’m feeling endlessly stupid, and I apologize to those whom I may have offended in my arrogance.

          Thank you again. It’s very much appreciated. 


            Though now the question is, why is my subscription gone? I didn’t actually cancel it, and I paid for March/April. It was billed March 29. If it’s a 30 day sub, I should still have it through April 27/28. Correct?

            (And I really hope I’m not being annoying with all of my “problems.”)

              I am glad that the video that I linked helped you :)
              I am not really familiar with the subs, I am on the old school “loyalty”. I guess yes 30 days 28/29 if you look at Feb.
              I’ll notify Dugi, I don’t have access to check your account.

                lullybee said:

                Though now the question is, why is my subscription gone? I didn’t actually cancel it, and I paid for March/April. It was billed March 29. If it’s a 30 day sub, I should still have it through April 27/28. Correct?

                (And I really hope I’m not being annoying with all of my “problems.”)

                Hi lullybee, I have fixed your account, try reinstalling now. 


                  Again, thank you both for helping my dumb butt out. All is well in my WoW land.

                  Apologies again, as well.

                  I’m going to slink back to my corner now. *hides*


                    You are welcome lullybee, no need to hide :)

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