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  • #164272

      Just booted up and the installer auto updated the classic guide version to 1.043.
      Logging into WoW and I’m presented with the Lua Error screen with the following:

      Message: ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4320: attempt to call field 'InitializeTrackingIcon' (a nil value)
      Time: Sun Sep 22 10:14:29 2019
      Count: 1
      Stack: ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4320: attempt to call field 'InitializeTrackingIcon' (a nil value)
      ...ceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:582: in function <...ceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:542>
      [C]: in function `InitializeTrackingIcon'
      ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4320: in function `?'
      ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:171: in function <...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:159>
      [C]: ?

      Locals: errMsg = "...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4320: attempt to call field 'InitializeTrackingIcon' (a nil value)"
      tsmErrMsg = nil
      oldModule = nil
      private = <table> {
      AddonBlockedEvent = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:334
      num = 0
      ErrorHandler = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:116
      hitInternalError = false
      errorFrame = <unnamed> {
      origErrorHandler = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLSharedBasicControls.lua:295
      FormatErrorMessageSection = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:349
      SanitizeString = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:342
      errorReports = <table> {
      IsTSMAddon = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:312
      localLinesTemp = <table> {
      GetStackInfo = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterCoreLibErrorHandler.lua:280
      MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 50
      TSM = <table> {

      Persisted after next update to 1.044 which just occurred.

      With TradeSkillMaster disabled the Error is as follows:

      Message: ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4320: attempt to call field 'InitializeTrackingIcon' (a nil value)
      Time: Sun Sep 22 12:30:44 2019
      Count: 1
      Stack: ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4320: attempt to call field 'InitializeTrackingIcon' (a nil value)
      [C]: in function `InitializeTrackingIcon'
      ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4320: in function `?'
      ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:171: in function <...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:159>
      [C]: ?



        this should be fixed now.


          Updated, just now and loaded up the WoW client. Fixed, as you said. :)

          Can’t believe the quick turnaround on that! Amazing work.

          I’ll take this opportunity to let you know I really love this addon you’ve created, you have created something very cool.

          If ever I get back into retail I’ll definitely be subbing to your full suite of guides.

          Great work!



            appreciate the awesome feedback, it really makes our day thank you.

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