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  • #164354

      Ok, so now i am bothered enough to report it, even though i’m guessing it’s a known issue.

      so when i go to return a quest, or pick up a quest – similar effects happening – as followed:

      When the “Auto Quest Accept” is checked:

      i interact with an NPC that i need to return a quest to, but that NPC has another (different – non-related) quest to offer me.
      what ends up happening is, i will grab that unrelated quest before it allowed me to return the actual quest as the guide intended me doing.

      If there’s a quest the guide tells me to take, and that NPC offers more than that specific quest the guide told me to grab, i will end up having the other quests that NPC offered even though they are NOT in that current guide – while the option to ‘Only Quests in Current Guide’ is checked.

      i am not sure if i am the only one experiencing this issue or not, but this bug drives me nuts.
      if there’s a solution out there, please help me redeem my soul.

      i would VERY MUCH like to just, Auto-Pilot, Interact with the npcs and have the guide take what quests should be taken, without the need to double or triple check to make sure my quest log isn’t spammed with 10 other unrelated quests.

      please help <3

      Thank you in advance.


        i’m not sure because it seems to be working on test, can you try tying /dugi fix and select yes to reload 


          Dugi said:

          i’m not sure because it seems to be working on test, can you try tying /dugi fix and select yes to reload 

          Gave it a try. now waiting for the opportunity to test it out.
          will update. hopefully this really fixed it.


            Dugi said:

            i’m not sure because it seems to be working on test, can you try tying /dugi fix and select yes to reload 

            Alright. so here’s just a small example of how the guide’s acting up, unless i understand something incorrectly, this is what happens:



              BTW, Dugi, i will open a new thread for the next thing i wanted to report, but mentioning it here since it happened to me 10 seconds later after i stopped recording.

              90% of the time, no lie, the guide’s steps are messed up in the sense where it will send you back and forward between npcs, when there’s a quest to take from the npc i just talked to, but the guide doesn’t tell me that.
              instead the guide sends me to return some other quest in my bulk of finished quests, and then sends me back to the same npc i visited 10 seconds ago, to grab the next quest.

              so i find myself running a LOT back and forward for no reason what so ever.

              ALSO, after i finished that Guide seeing in the video, i had 1 quest left to return that the guide did not ask me to, while sending me to Southshore or wherever not, for the next guide.

              I noticed A LOT of miss steps in the guide where it’s not really organized as it used to be back 10 years ago.

              I completely understand the fact that it probably requires you guys to run the game all over again, so you can correct the real steps towards taking a quest, returning a quest and moving to different areas…

              it’s just frustrating. i am being spoiled i know.. but hopefully you guys will be able to actually correct all the guides in classic to be better accurate to where it sends us.. 
              right now it’s time consuming to a phase where i know the guide saves us time in the LONG run, but godamn it’s annoying.

              Thanks in advance.


                you have accept all quest…I select only those in current guide


                  onibaba said:

                  you have accept all quest…I select only those in current guide

                  if only people have learned to read.
                  please look at my first post at the top of this Thread.

                  before you’re making a comment, please make sure you read and know what you’re commenting, on.


                    icchan841 said:

                    onibaba said:

                    you have accept all quest…I select only those in current guide

                    if only people have learned to read.
                    please look at my first post at the top of this Thread.

                    before you’re making a comment, please make sure you read and know what you’re commenting, on.


                      Alright. so here’s just a small example of how the guide’s acting up, unless i understand something incorrectly, this is what happens:

                      Thank you for the video can you test again without any addon loaded. I noticed that other addon like ClassicCodex also have auto quest feature than interrupt the quest handling even when the option is disabled. 

                      90% of the time, no lie

                      Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not, you’re saying every 9 out of 10 steps in the guide are wrong? I really don’t think this is the case. 

                      Blanket claim that the 90% of guide is wrong just doesn’t help. we need to specific example, we are going over the guides everyday, it’s very easy to miss something to make it perfect. For example we leveled 2 characters to 60 and we’re still discovering lots of minor things wrong with the guide when leveling again.


                        Dugi said:

                        Alright. so here’s just a small example of how the guide’s acting up, unless i understand something incorrectly, this is what happens:

                        Thank you for the video can you test again without any addon loaded. I noticed that other addon like ClassicCodex also have auto quest feature than interrupt the quest handling even when the option is disabled. 

                        90% of the time, no lie

                        Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not, you’re saying every 9 out of 10 steps in the guide are wrong? I really don’t think this is the case. 

                        Blanket claim that the 90% of guide is wrong just doesn’t help. we need to specific example, we are going over the guides everyday, it’s very easy to miss something to make it perfect. For example we leveled 2 characters to 60 and we’re still discovering lots of minor things wrong with the guide when leveling again.

                        uhm, i should have stick to facts without any numbers thrown. 
                        I do apologize. i am not trying to make this thing look anything other than it is.

                        i’ll record an example (perhaps i’ll re-trace my steps on  the STV guide) where i was going up to return a quest at Booty Bay’s Goblin room, above the Inn – and then it will send me outside to return/take another quest, then sends me back to the same goblin i was a few seconds ago, to return another quest (which, i could already return when i was there 10 seconds ago).

                        the example i just gave you may not have happen 90% of the time, but it happens more often than not.


                        I have exactly the same Problem ” i will grab that unrelated quest before it allowed me to return the actual quest as the guide intended ” an im using no addons @ all 

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