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  • #164389

      I don’t have any gear that will open the window so I need to reset ban list in a command line somehow please. Thanks


        Hi @zion563
        In settings – !Gear Addviser, make sure your spec is shown on the Loot Suggestion Priority list. If it isn’t shown, then go to “Add” and select it in the drop down list and move it to the top by the green arrows (shown when cursor hoovers above the spec name)
        To make the prompt show, unequip a piece of gear and it should pop up :)


          Yes thanks I have done all those things-I wanted to reset the ban list quickly. I have 2 sets of gear that changes as I level so there is a lot of popups…rather than using a white or grey item to get the window to pop up after I have set some items to be banned I just wanted to reset it with a command. I understand how it works just wanted to get er done faster.

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