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  • #164455
      See included picture.
      Message: ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5791: attempt to concatenate local 'name' (a nil value)
      Time: Mon Dec 16 15:22:12 2019
      Count: 6945
      Stack: ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5791: attempt to concatenate local 'name' (a nil value)
      ...OnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:732: in function <...OnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:692>
      [C]: ?
      ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5791: in function `GetQuestInfoByTargetName'
      ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5858: in function `OnTolltipShow'
      ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5725: in function `OnTooltipShowOrUpdate'
      ...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5762: in function `OnFrameUpdate'
      InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:535: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:515>

      Locals: errMsg = "...erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5791: attempt to concatenate local 'name' (a nil value)"
      tsmErrMsg = nil
      oldModule = nil
      private = <table> {
       CreateErrorFrame = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:513
       num = 0
       ErrorHandler = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:132
       hitInternalError = false
       origErrorHandler = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLSharedBasicControls.lua:295
       FormatErrorMessageSection = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:494
       AddonBlockedHandler = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:479
       SanitizeString = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:487
       GetStackLevelInfo = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:327
       ParseLocals = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:379
       errorReports = <table> {
       IsTSMAddon = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:455
       localLinesTemp = <table> {
       GetStackInfo = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsTradeSkillMasterLibTSMServiceErrorHandler.lua:296
      MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 50
      OLD_TSM_MODULES = <table> {
       1 = "TradeSkillMaster_Accounting"
       2 = "TradeSkillMaster_AuctionDB"
       3 = "TradeSkillMaster_Auctioning"
       4 = "TradeSkillMaster_Crafting"
       5 = "TradeSkillMaster_Destroying"
       6 = "TradeSkillMaster_Mailing"
       7 = "TradeSkillMaster_Shopping"
       8 = "TradeSkillMaster_Vendoring"
       9 = "TradeSkillMaster_Warehousing"

      Dugiguide addon is causing low frame rates and lua errors. Only Dugi guide is loaded in this error report. With Dugi guides disabled all is fine.Message: …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua:2170: attempt to index local ‘questInfo_’ (a nil value)
      Time: Mon Dec 16 11:06:27 2019
      Count: 1
      Stack: …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua:2170: attempt to index local ‘questInfo_’ (a nil value)
      …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua:2170: in function `GetQuestPosition’
      …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua:133: in function `RefreshAllData’
      …nsBlizzard_MapCanvasMapCanvas_DataProviderBase.lua:76: in function `OnMapChanged’
      …aceAddOnsBlizzard_MapCanvasBlizzard_MapCanvas.lua:529: in function `OnMapChanged’
      …rfaceAddOnsBlizzard_WorldMapBlizzard_WorldMap.lua:115: in function <…rfaceAddOnsBlizzard_WorldMapBlizzard_WorldMap.lua:114>
      [C]: in function `OnMapChanged’
      …aceAddOnsBlizzard_MapCanvasBlizzard_MapCanvas.lua:37: in function <…aceAddOnsBlizzard_MapCanvasBlizzard_MapCanvas.lua:26>
      (tail call): ?
      InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:836: in function `DugiSetMapToCurrentZone’
      …erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4184: in function <…erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4180>
      Locals: self = <table> {
       initialized = true
       essential = true
       Unload = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua:2665
       trackingPoints = <table> {
       GetQuestPosition = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua:2163
       UpdateTrackingMap = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:4
       OnMapChangedOrOpen = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua:2036
       DataProviders = <table> {
       modelFrame = <unnamed> {
       name = “WorldMapTracking”
       Initialize = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua:229
       GetDistance = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua:1737
       UnspecifyMapName = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua:336
       Load = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua:2369
       ShowMenu = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:4
      questId = 7061
      formMapId = nil
      points = <table> {
      quests = <table> {
       7172 = <table> {
       7364 = <table> {
       7428 = <table> {
       7492 = <table> {
       7508 = <table> {
       7604 = <table> {
       7636 = <table> {
       7652 = <table> {
       7732 = <table> {
       7796 = <table> {
       7812 = <table> {
       7828 = <table> {
       7844 = <table> {
       7876 = <table> {
       7924 = <table> {
       8052 = <table> {
       8068 = <table> {
       8116 = <table> {
       8148 = <table> {
       8164 = <table> {
       2 = <table> {
       513 = <table> {
       515 = <table> {
       517 = <table> {
       519 = <table> {
       521 = <table> {
       523 = <table> {
       525 = <table> {
       527 = <table> {
       529 = <table> {
       531 = <table> {
       533 = <table> {
       535 = <table> {
       537 = <table> {
       539 = <table> {
       541 = <table> {
       543 = <table> {
       545 = <table> {
       547 = <table> {
       549 = <table> {
       551 = <table> {
       553 = <table> {
       555 = <table> {
       557 = <table> {
       559 = <table> {
       561 = <table> {
       563 = <table> {
       565 = <table> {
       567 = <table> {
       569 = <table> {
       571 = <table> {
       573 = <table> {
       575 = <table> {
       577 = <table> {
       579 = <table> {
       581 = <table> {
       583 = <table> {
       585 = <table> {
       587 = <table> {
       589 = <table> {
       591 = <table> {
       593 = <table> {
       595 = <table> {
       597 = <table> {
       599 = <table> {
       601 = <table> {
       603 = <table> {
       605 = <table> {
       607 = <table> {
       609 = <table> {
       611 = <table> {
       613 = <table> {
       615 = <table> {
       617 = <table> {
       619 = <table> {
       621 = <table> {
       623 = <table> {
       625 = <table> {
       627 = <table> {
       629 = <table> {
       631 = <table> {
       633 = <table> {
       635 = <table> {
       637 = <table> {
       639 = <table> {
       641 = <
        For me framerate is ok.
        But I had to disable Questie, this addon eat memory like no tomorrow (200+ mb).

        Seems to be working right again. I didn’t do anything accept turn it back on. Maybe a Blizzard issue? There were a few small updates to the game.

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