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  • #164458

      In the options, on the Gear Scoring window…for multiple characters, if I attempt to change the spec from the default and hit apply; the game will do a UI reload “for the change to take effect” but when I go back into the Gear Scoring window, it still shows the default spec, and this happens every time I do it, on each character I choose to change.  Just as a for instance, my the default for my Shaman character is Elemental, but I prefer Enhancement, but no matter how hard I try to change it, every time I choose Enhancement and click apply, after the UI reload it defaults back to Elemental…am I doing it wrong, or is this an actual bug?


        we’ll fix that up 


          Thanks :)


          Just going back on this, I currently have the same problem with my enhancement shaman in TBC Classic, I originally set it for 2H, but no matter how often I switch it to dual wield, it goes back to 2H Enhancement. Is there some vars I need to clear out or something? I have tried deleting the profile and resetting everything, but that didn’t work.


            just make sure to click Apply Weights after selecting and it should work 


            I may have tried that, I will double check. Thanks Dugi!


            Coming back around, this happens with all my toons. The gear score resets to some other default than what I selected. Using Apply Weights works at that moment, but logging out, /reload, etc. sets the selection back to the other as if I never changed it. I am going to try and completely remove DG and reinstall.


              is this for retail ?which version of wow are you playing? 

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