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  • #164599

      Do I need to install TomTom to be able to use Dugi arrow? I’m new member and I never seen Dugi arrow yet. I tried to turn it on and off in settings many times, but nothing changed.

      //Dugi Guide is the best addon for wow I ever seen, thank you guys for your job!


        Have you try /dugi repair ?

        In Settings>Dugi arrow did you have the option Use Carbonite Arrow checked ? 


          ekrazos said:

          Have you try /dugi repair ?

          In Settings>Dugi arrow did you have the option Use Carbonite Arrow checked ? 

          I tried, but no luck. Yes, but this option is enabled by default and I can’t do anything with it.

          And there is another issue I never pay attention before – Dugi zone map settings. I can simply turn off all settings in this tab and nothing will change.


            feezmo said:

            Do I need to install TomTom to be able to use Dugi arrow? I’m new member and I never seen Dugi arrow yet. I tried to turn it on and off in settings many times, but nothing changed.

            //Dugi Guide is the best addon for wow I ever seen, thank you guys for your job!

            No you don’t need TomTom or Carbonite addons to use the Dugi Arrow.
            Just ensure that the Classic Arrow is checked Ie:
             |x| Show Dugi Arrow
                     |x| Show Corpse Arrow
                     |x| Classic Arrow
            (The x’s are ticks)

            You won’t need tomtom if you keep “TomTom Addon Emulation” checked.
            I hope this helps, if not you may need to do a repair using the Dugi AutoInstaller and reinstall the guides.


              I previously had my Arrow, then lost it one day.  I must have dragged it off screen at some point.  The fix for me was the “reset frames position” button.  Pressed it and it brought it back.


                “/dugi reset” will also reset frame position


                  darkside said:

                  I previously had my Arrow, then lost it one day.  I must have dragged it off screen at some point.  The fix for me was the “reset frames position” button.  Pressed it and it brought it back.

                  Reset frames position fixed it here as well. Thanks Darkside

                    Message: InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZarrow.lua:2552: attempt to index field ‘WaypointMapPing’ (a nil value)
                    Time: Fri Jun 19 20:28:18 2020
                    Count: 3
                    Stack: InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZarrow.lua:2552: attempt to index field ‘WaypointMapPing’ (a nil value)
                    [string “@InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZarrow.lua”]:2552: in function `UpdateMapPingForNoRoutePath’
                    [string “@InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZarrow.lua”]:2481: in function `WaypointsChanged’
                    [string “@InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZarrow.lua”]:1977: in function `RemoveAllWaypoints’
                    [string “@InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua”]:2414: in function `MapCurrentObjective’
                    [string “@InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua”]:4979: in function `WayPoint_OnClick’
                    [string “*:OnClick”]:1: in function <[string “*:OnClick”]:1>
                    Locals: self = <table> {
                     TranslateWorldMapPosition = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZMapUtils.lua:258
                     tIndexOfFirst = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:154
                     UpdateNotificationsMarkVisibility = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:1085
                     ListContains = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:960
                     ClearGuide = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:195
                     GetLastGuideNumRows = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:1240
                     CreateSettingsTree = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:3591
                     SetQuestText = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:4832
                     InitializeQuestPOI = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:4
                     Skip = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:4008
                     CheckForLocation = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:3017
                     BACKGRND_PATH = “InterfaceDialogFrameUI-DialogBox-Background”
                     QUEST_COMPLETE = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5233
                     RefreshReplacedTags = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:4665
                     GetZoneIdByName = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZMapUtils.lua:489
                     RegisterModule = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:149
                     SmartSetTargetOnClick = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:3642
                     RemoveMinimapIcon = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZarrow.lua:2037
                     CompleteOnZoneCheck = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:6022
                     LargeFrameBorderDropdown_OnClick = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4001
                     IsModuleLoaded = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:363
                     DebugPrint = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:222
                     SetupWorldQuestButton_dugi = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZQuestPOI.lua:332
                     db = <table> {
                     UpdateSettingsCheckbox = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:1896
                     GetFirstPFromCurrentGuide = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZProfessions.lua:64
                     IsModelDataOn = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModelViewer.lua:618
                     tags = <table> {
                     SetDB = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4082
                     GetQuestLogIndexByQID = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5466
                     DebugFormat = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDebug.lua:33
                     specializaton = 3
                     QUEST_TURNED_IN = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5264
                     DelayandSetMapToCurrentZone = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4881
                     IsOnAzeroth = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZMapUtils.lua:264
                     AddManualWaypoint = <function> defined @InterfaceAddOnsDugis

                      i have this message and the arrow not showing at all


                        suliman said:

                        i have this message and the arrow not showing at all

                        now after many times reload and after i DIE its work again ??!!


                          still same problem again


                            sorry for the late reply, there shouldn’t be any problem like this. Can you check that you installed correct version. 

                            what version of WoW are you running Retail or Classic and what version of the addon does it say in the addon menu. 


                              yes i installed correctly many times using dugiGuides installer 1.5.0 and wow Retail 8.3.0
                              and also i use /dugi fix but same.
                              sometime it’s work fine but some time not specially after login


                                ok FIX IT :smiley:
                                i do this solution that change my game folders names:
                                Cache => Cache_OLD
                                Interface => Interface_OLD
                                WTF => WTF_OLD

                                and run the game to make wow recreate these folders and exit the game, install dugi again and it’s Work fine now.

                                thank you for replay me.

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