• This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Ozzi.
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  • #164677

      Having issues where guide will not load at all in Retail.  I can see the button, but no mini map, arrow, or guide.  I have tried the /dugi reset command and that didn’t work.  Sometimes I can get it to change to essential mode and then back to guide mode and it will work, but the last 2 days even that was a failure.  Here is a screenshot and I’m up for any suggestions.  I haven’t played retail in a LONG time, so I searched the forum and didn’t find anything like this.  I’m on a Mac.    The Loading Dugi guides 2% has the wheel constantly turning and will not allow me to select a guide.  I’ve been on for about 10 minutes when I took this screenshot.


        OH, I have completely deleted the files from my HD and reinstalled.  Didn’t change anything.

          First try /dugi fix and log out of game to the character select screen and then log back in. If it does the same thing then do the following:
          Use the latest Dugi Installer, click on Settings and then click on Repair, after repair is complete, click on Okay. Check your log-in details (dugiguides.com Username & Password) and click on Okay. Click Reinstall if the guide does not automatically install the latest update.

            Thanks Caluril!  I tried the /dugi fix and that didn’t work.  Then I clicked on repair and it totally wiped my retail install and I had to reinstall it.  That didn’t fix the problem either.  Still got the same error window popping up every time I did anything.   I checked Classic and it is working perfectly.   Any other suggestions?  Pic includes the error window.  


              Hi it’s likely that you’re still using an older version of the addon, can you double check that in the in-game addons menu which version you’re using.  

              1. try deleting the addon completely by deleting the folder WoWInterfaceAddOnsDugisGuidesViewerZ
              2. confirm in the game that the addon is gone
              3. then reinstall. 


                Thanks Dugi.  Turns out that somehow a version of the retail guide was saved onto my HD as a system file.  I can’t seem to delete it (my mac tells me I don’t have permission and I can’t get that changed) and it was defaulting to that version.  It is only the retail side – so I deleted and am installing WoW in hope that it will stop using that “system directory” and use the correct path to my removable HD.  

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