Cooking Apprentice 1 – 80

Cooking Journeyman 80 – 130

Cooking Expert 130 – 225

Cooking Artisan 225 – 300

Cooking Master 300 – 350

Cooking Grand Master 350 – 450

Cooking Illustrious Grand Master 450 – 525


Trainable Rank
Stephen Ryback
Gremlock Pilsnor
Cook Ghilm
Daryl Riknussun
“Cookie” McWeaksauce
Crystal Boughman
Celie Steelwing
Eunice Burch
Pyall Silentstride
Aska Mistrunner
Master Chef Mouldier
Jack Trapper
Dolanaar Teldrassil
Craftsmen’s Terrace Darnassus
Goldshire Elwynn Forest
Old Town Stormwind
Kharanos Dun Morogh
Gol’Bolar Quarry Dun Morogh
The Great Forge Ironforge
Odesyus’ Landing Azuremyst Isle
Seat of the Naaru The Exodar
Lakeshire Redridge Mountains
Wildhammer Stronghold Shadowmoon Valley
The Trade Quarter Undercity
Bloodhoof Village Mulgore
High Rise Thunder Bluff
The Drag Orgrimmar
Falconwing Square Eversong Woods
Wayfarer’s Rest Inn Silvermoon
Tranquillien Ghostlands
The Crossroads The Barrens
Hammerfall Arathi Highlands
Grom’gol Base Camp Stranglethorn Vale
Lower City Shattrath City
Silverwind Refuge Ashenvale
Shadowprey Village Desolace
Dirge Quikcleave
Gadgetzan Tanaris
Honor Hold Hellfire Peninsula
Thrallmar Hellfire Peninsula
Cenarion Refuge Zangarmarsh
Grand Master
Rollick MacKreel
Brom Brewbaster
Katherine Lee
Orn Tenderhoof
Thomas Kolichio
Awilo Lon’gomba
Valiance Keep Borean Tundra
Valgarde Howling Fjord
A Hero’s Welcome Dalaran
Warsong Hold Borean Tundra
Vengeance Landing Howling Fjord
Sunreaver’s Sanctuary Dalaran
Illustrious Grand Master
Stephen Ryback
Rollick MacKreel
Daryl Riknussun
Katherine Lee
Eunice Burch
Awilo Lon’gomba
Bethany Cromwell 
Old Town Stormwind
Valiance Keep Borean Tundra
The Great Forge Ironforge
Craftsmen’s Terrace Darnassus
A Hero’s Welcome Dalaran
The Drag Orgrimmar
The Drag Orgrimmar
The Trade Quarter Undercity
Sunreaver’s Sanctuary Dalaran
Argent Tournament Grounds Icecrown


You will need a lot of spices later, so make sure to buy them before you go out fo farm mobs, you can buy spices at every cooking or trade supplier. Bring some [Simple Wood] and [Flint and Tinder] too, so you can make [Basic Campfire] to cook your food.

1 – 80


First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth – just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Cooking.

Approximate Materials Required for 1-80

  • 60 Simple Flour
  • 60 Mild Spices
  • 40 Stringy Wolf Meat
  • 40 Bear Meat


80 – 130

Learn Journeyman Cooking.

130 – 225

Learn Expert Cooking.


Approximate Materials Required for 80 – 225

  • 30 Clam Meat
  • 30 Refreshing Spring Water
  • 20 Crawler Meat
  • 50 Raptor Egg
  • 50 Raptor Flesh

225 – 300

Learn Artisan Cooking.

300 – 350

Go to Outland and learn Cooking Master.

Approximate Materials Required for 225 – 350

  • 25 Giant Egg
  • 40 Bear Flank
  • 15 Sandworm Meat
  • 30 Ravager Flesh
  • 35 Clefthoof Meat

350 – 450


Go to Northrend and learn Cooking Grand Master.


Approximate Materials Required for 350 – 450

  • 70 Chilled Meat
  • 13 Rhino Meat
  • 25 Chunk o’ Mammoth
  • 25 Shoveltusk Flank
  • 25 Worm Meat
  • 15 Worg Haunch
  • 15 Northern Spices
  • 30 Skin of Dwarven Stout
  • 15 Jug of Bourbon
  • 20 Toughened Flesh

450 – 525

Visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth and learn Cooking Illustrious Grand master


Approximate Materials Required for 450 – 525

  • 30 Highland Guppy
  • 30 Monstrous Claw
  • 30 Blood Shrimp
  • 30 Basilisk “Liver”