Dugi Guides Competition
How To Enter
Leave a comment on our blog below and tell us.
What is your favourite level 1-60 Zone (or Dungeon) and tell us why?
10 Lifetime Dugi Guides Membership + In-Game Pets
Grand Prize: 3 Manually selected comments will receive 5 In-Game Pets or equivalent value from the Blizzard Store
7 Randomly selected comments will receive their choice of 1 In-Game Pet or equivalent value from the Blizzard Store
1. Make sure you enter the correct email address for us to contact you
2. One entry per person, you can invite your friends to enter.
3. Competition will end when the winners are announced on March 21st 2011
Good Luck!
823 replies to "Dugi Guide Competition (March 2011)"
i would say that my best zone for me is thousand needles or tanaris i like these zones before and after cataclysm, they are so good
great quests good details of the landscape and the questlines they are so great so i cant only pick one as my best i also have completed them on my DK 
I love then new Story line in Silverpine Forest. so if i have the choose 1 it has to b that zone then.
thx and keep up the good work.
My children brought me into WOW after my stroke and was home from the hospital. My first character was a Tauren Druid. I love the Muglore starting area. The game has kept me mentally agile and focused while giving a story line for all mt toons.
Gilneas is my favorite zone. I love how Blizzard has added the new classes to the game. I think it is an amazing starting zone and so much uniqueness in this zone. Dugi has made leveling up here a breeze.
Deadmines – the original one. It was the first dungeon I did when I first started. I was excited to be able to do a dungeon at all. I didnt know what was going to happend, I think we wipe a few times before we finelly made it. Everything was harder back then becourse I never done it before, but it was fun in a way to.
For this oldtimer to wow it would be the way the new dungen finder is so easy to use. It makes getting together a party so much eaiser. Not to say the rest of the land is not as good, they all look so awsome and the play style is so much more enjoyable. I must say with your guide i spend more time enjoying the game and not as much time working to achive my goals. Thank you for giving me back more enjoyable time to play. Now if you can make a guide to make my family understand why i enjoy playing so much :].
My favorite Level 1-60 dungeon was Stratholme. This was one of the few dungeons we ran multiple time because it was a lot of fun with very little annoyance. I liked Stratholme because it was big without being a giant maze that you got lost in. It also had a lot of MOBs that needed to be pulled and controlled and that allowed me to work on my tanking skills. It was also full of undead so as a Paladin tank that was an added bonus. The story line was also very interesting and continued through the other expansions with Arthas and the Culling of Stratholme.
As far as Level 1-60 questing zones, I liked Stranglethorn because most of my questing was done with a hunter and Stranglethorn is a hunting paradise. It has tons of beast you need to hunt down which is a pleasure using the hunting ability Track Beasts. You also get to start your relationship Hemet Nesingwary family which again continues though the subsequent expansions.
I like Kezan and the Lost Isles they are so cool! the quests were fun too for my Goblin!
I really have enjoyed the new starting zone for the Goblins, especially on island of Kevan. The storyline arc is great, showcasing the history and humility of the goblins. The use of engineering gimmicks and splashes of humor throughout was great. How many unsuspecting goblins did you run over with your goblin vehicle mount?
Temple of Atal’Hakkar (Sunken Temple). That was probably one of the most involved Dungeons I had played up to that point in leveling. I loved the whole Jungle Trolls and their almost Mayan like Temple in the Jungle type setting (even though it is in a swamp). It was so easy to get lost in that dungeon trying to figure out how to get through it. The dungeon is one of the only redeeming places in Swamp of Sorrows. If I didn’t have a Class Quest that took me there, I probably never would have gone through it that first time (long before the Dungeon Finder). Now with the Dungeon Finder, that is one of the best Dungeons at that level range due to how many things there are to kill in it. It that level range you would level every time you do the dungeon if you cleared it.
Four years ago, I found the magnificent World of Warcraft. After suffering through the installation for hours, I finally arrived at the character creation screen. All my friends were Humans, and I needed to take my first steps with them. As I stepped into the majestic forest of Elwynn, I was at home. Now, despite the roaring fire behind the Abbey and all new quests, the endless forests and dazzling lakes catch my eyes as no other zones can. I’ve been there as a Warrior, Paladin, Mage, Warlock, Rogue, and the now-human Hunter. Alas, no other zone is worthy to be home to Stormwind!
my favourite place is Stranglethorn Vale. I think it is fun there!
my personal favorite dungeon was and still is cos beacuse of drake that drop and beautifull storyline that goes as well and also several achieves like 100 zombies and etc.other then that great work and keep it up dugi
my favourite has to be duskwood i really like the whole gothic style feel of the zone i have always like it feels like something out of a horror novel with worgens and wolfs everywhere and ghosts too,i also enjoy the quests with blind mary,also a great place to RP and i always thought night watch should be a faction you could grind for
Since the beginning I like Feralas as cows (Tauren) love the green gras.
Westfall is a favorite area for me. The varied quests of the Defias string, lead-ins from Stormwind and Elwynn Forest, Sentinel Hill forays, and treasure hunts are exciting and interesting. The rolling hills, farmlands , Moonbrook village and the beach areas are examples of Westfall’s great topography. Westfall is a fun beginning area to help launch an adventurer’s Azeroth’s experience!
I would have to say Uldum would be my most favorite Cataclysm zone. The Egyptians have always intrigued me and I am still playing wondering nomad in search of the elusive camel figurine. Then throw in the German aspect and Indiana Jones throw back and its paradise! All this and even the most unique dungeon in the sky I think WoW has period. If you haven’t roamed the vast desert recently….try it…..you will be amazed at the diversity in Uldum.
Elwynn Forest. I have epic memories from there at the time when i was starter. For the alliance!
My favourite is stratholme. I ran it at level 60 about 25 times to get a mount, and I was well geared with warlord weaponry and about 5 of those times I’d get MCd at the ziggurat with the banshee boss and kill the entire group.
It was hilarious.
I’d have to say Tirisfall Glades because my first character was an undead, and the zone looks so creepy and cool. Love the thought that the undeads start in a crypt woken back to life to support their faction with their skills.