Dugi Guides Competition
How To Enter
Leave a comment on our blog below and tell us.
What is your favourite level 1-60 Zone (or Dungeon) and tell us why?
10 Lifetime Dugi Guides Membership + In-Game Pets
Grand Prize: 3 Manually selected comments will receive 5 In-Game Pets or equivalent value from the Blizzard Store
7 Randomly selected comments will receive their choice of 1 In-Game Pet or equivalent value from the Blizzard Store
1. Make sure you enter the correct email address for us to contact you
2. One entry per person, you can invite your friends to enter.
3. Competition will end when the winners are announced on March 21st 2011
Good Luck!
823 replies to "Dugi Guide Competition (March 2011)"
My favourite is Deadmines without a doubt. When I first started WoW it was my first expeirence of team play and my first instance! As SOON as I saw got into a group my heart jumped with excitement (eventhough we wiped a lot :D) … the boss fights was the MOST epic thing I have ever encountered, simply since they were my first ones. I COULDN’T believe it, it was my best gaming expeirence yet and it got me totally hooked for life!
Thanks Dugi!
My favorite 1-60 Zone is definately Stonetalon Mountains for it’s epic story / lore + the epic Nuke after which Garrosh gets nasty on the orc Commander
Well, it’s a tough decision. you also can’t just throw horde and alliance together, since, apart from a few zones in mid- and high tier, their questing experience is vastly different. for alliance side, i would choose redridge mountains. it’s a really well-done zone with every kind of quest, ranging from liberation to pet to vehicle to stealth to murloc killing, and it ends with this very nice fight with the dragon. John J. Keeshan is pretty awesome as well.
for horde side, i would go with azshara. the zone was kind of neglected in vanilla, but now it has that loving combination of goblin humor, wizardry, well rounded questing parts (like the search for azuregos, the liberation of the ruins, the conquest of the night elf outpost) and memorable characters and dialogues. for example, the first time with the gob squad, talking to azuregos, the trials of fire, ice and shadow,… and while there are some lesser missions (the plain gather and kill quests for the murloc so he can have his morning coffee), the overall experience is one of the best in the horde part, for which i personally think only tirisfal glades (fighting alongside sylvanas, venturing into gilneas) and stonetalon (almost as good with some nice cutscenes (“you are dismissed!”), but a little short) come close.
for both sides, the reworked searing gorge is fantastic. the thorium brotherhood actually is fun to play alongside, and the questing flow is much improved.
There are quite a few choices that i could make since the Cataclysm change, but Thousand Needles and Blasted Lands would be the picks and out of these i would probably pick Blasted lands as i leveled my mage(60) I enjoyed both these areas, I also have to say the Worgen starting area in Gilneas is interesting also.
The change to most of the areas has been good both for Horde and Alliance as there are some very interesting sites in them.
Worgen starting zone is awesome.
My favorite new zone is the totally new and/or (However your want to look at it.) revamped Troll starting area. The revamped Echo Islands is wonderful graphic’s wise and gives more depth to a race and their lore that was missed in the original Vanilla wow. The quest line explains why Thrall made his choices for the current leaders for the Horde.
My Favorite Zone right now would have to Redridge Mountains because of all of the A-team/Rambo references (arguable which reference that quest chain is actually referring to). Also the Quest where you had to MC an Ettin to pick the rock off from the foreman was very enjoyable especially if you look at the Ettin’s model, It has a cow on its waste LOL, and its shoulder pads/armor are pieces of a fence/wood planks. I really do wish as alliance we could get a zone where there is an amazing storyline like Stonetalon.
My favorite 1-60 zone would have to be Strangle Thorn Vale. The story line there is addicting and a welcome addition since they are bringing back ZA and ZG. I remember in vanilla questing there and getting griefed for hours but I persisted and finished all the quests at the time, including the Arena quest line as well. Going back there to work on the Insane in the Brain achievement and the Bloodsail Buccaneers rep brought back old memories as well as made new ones. Now im working on my 6th toon, I am once again questing in STV and loving every second of the new stuff at low levels. Even pvping there is fun still.
My favourite zone would be stone talon mountains since cataclysm because the quest line is great an the end bit is epic.
My favorite playing sone in WOW is in OUTLAND;SHADOWMOONVALLEY-NETHERWING LEDGE.MOlten CORE allsow i love!
I love the time which i play in Netherwing ledge to get my netherdrake that was the funnyest time in my wow gameing!
My favorite zone is Stranglethorn after the cataclycm
For me its hard choice. Beggining areas goes to the wrogen hands down. The quests are great and the way u become a worgen is neat. The whole story of it is very captivating and who doesnt like cool cutscenes? Besides the awsome story and cutscenes the way the areas change is pretty epic. I mean come on you have control of your worgen powers for 10 minutes and your whole screen is shaking, you walk into a building and by the time u walk out half the area has been blown to bits and its covered in water thx to Deathwing. How cool is that?? Ive started 3 worgen characters just because i like doing the opening stuff. Great quests,story,cutscenes and great fun.
My favorite dungeon is the Deadmines, because it gots cool quests, nice bosses and its one of the first dungeons in world of warcraft, my favorite leveling zone is the Goblin-beginzone, 1-12, goblins are just pwners and i am fast lvl 12, but thats the work from DugiGuides, not from Blizzard:P.
I <3 DugiGuides.
My favorite zone was Ashenvale. It was here that I really understood the value of making connections and friends in WoW. In Ashenvale, I met and quested with several other characters and here I felt like I was really a part of something. The friends I met challenged me to improve and we did dungeons as well as teamed up for the harder quests. The interactions and comments I had here were extremely useful and molded the type of character I would become.
Yo Dugi-o’s and Dugi-ettes !!
My favorite 1-60 zone would have to be Un’Goro Crater. Once I arrive there, I know my leveling will get a nice boost from the quest chanins. My mining will take a serious leap, since it is the first opportunity to mine quantities of Mithril and Thorium. I really love the ‘jungle-y’ environment, feels so refreshing after the relentless desert climes.
But best of all, not counting STV, it is the first real opportunity for some serious PvP encounters with members of the opposite faction, who are just beginning to feel their oats, and have high hopes of reaching their level cap and proving their worth in the battlefield.
By the way, nice idea for the contest. /kudos
My favorite dungeon is the Deadmines, because it gots cool quests, nice bosses and its one of the first dungeons in world of warcraft, my favorite leveling zone is the Goblin-beginzone, 1-12, it got really cool quests, and i am fast lvl 12, but thats the work from DugiGuides, not from Blizzard:P.
I <3 DugiGuides.
my favorite is Blasted Lands
I have many favorite zones…most recently I enjoyed Stranglethorn…both from the Alliance point of view..and the Horde point of view…the story line was improved.
I also lucked out and found the rare pet…woot…1 in 1000 chance find.
thanks for your guide as it was helpful on both factions.
My favorite 1-60 zone post cataclysm would be Northern Stranglethorn because of the quests involving the Lashtail Raptor hatching. You really build up a sense of attachment to it and when it is taken away you almost feel heartbroken. The immediate reaction is, “No, I must get her back. Now!”
my favzone for levelin would have to be winterspring, why?
because the layout of the zone makes it quicker to get around and the quests seem to flow better , also theres the added bonus of alot of thorium ore so u can make some G’s while questing and if u ding 61 there short flight to org and on to BC