Dugi Guides Competition
How To Enter
Leave a comment on our blog below and tell us.
What is your favourite level 1-60 Zone (or Dungeon) and tell us why?
10 Lifetime Dugi Guides Membership + In-Game Pets
Grand Prize: 3 Manually selected comments will receive 5 In-Game Pets or equivalent value from the Blizzard Store
7 Randomly selected comments will receive their choice of 1 In-Game Pet or equivalent value from the Blizzard Store
1. Make sure you enter the correct email address for us to contact you
2. One entry per person, you can invite your friends to enter.
3. Competition will end when the winners are announced on March 21st 2011
Good Luck!
823 replies to "Dugi Guide Competition (March 2011)"
my ALL TIME fav is ARATHI….
nothing better than PVP……
Hey there dugi
) Then straight into stranglethorn vale. This place has been almost completely reworked, and it is incredible! The way you can seamlessly travel between both North and South, and how all the old quests have been reworked or removed to fit the cataclysm. Not just that, but also the zone detailing has just been combined terrificly with the scenery. Booty bay will never be the same….
I dont really have a favourite zone, but i do love a specific zone combo. Westfall, redridge, duskwood and stranglethorn. The way these zones storyline and quests fit together is just so amazing! Westfall is farms and towns and the like, with the obvious defias backstory and the undead trying to invade, then you go onto redridge mountains. The phasing and the main storyline with the unit is just so awesomely cool! And you get a freaking tank! Then onto duskwood, we have the undead and worgen, the cursed worgen ofcourse (i especially loved levelling here with my worgen, as i got to kill those horrible cursed worgen and end their suffering
Sorry about the wall of text, im just an old-time wow player and love seeing that blizzard still has the creative knack to be able to change very old zones, to a newer, more beautiful graphics set and tone to match the cataclysm. Who knows whats next?
I really like kazan because the story with the king that ate you and the car with your little follower is realy funny. also, the zone really well show how the goblins are. and at the end it funny to see how there ship is sinking.
Silithus. I like the story of the zone, so I was leveling every of my chars through that one
Duskwood I remember when I first stumbled to it the creatures where in red and I decided to take them on and got demolished. That is what started my wow blood going.
I am so happy with all of the zone changes for Cat that it’s hard to pick just one

Gilneas is incredible! The dramatic storyline, amazing graphics, cutscenes, and quests really make the Worgens come alive.
Kazan is perfect for the Goblins, the quests are amusing & make for a nice change of pace from Gilneas.
Darkshore was my favorite zone before Cat and I still enjoy questing there with moments of nostalgia with all of the damage the shattering dealt it. Getting a new pet thru the quest line is sweet
The changes to quests & graphics in Eastern Plaguelands has turned it from my least favorite to one of my top picks.
As far as Dungeons go having most of the quest givers inside the instances makes completing them far easier.
Shadowfang Keep is still my favorite for graphics, Gilneas & the Worgens have brought new meaning to it & I rarely get lost wending my way thru lol unlike Wailing Caverns
I’ve leveled with guides and without them & Dugi’s Guides have been the most user friendly I’ve encountered.
I like silverpine forest; a level 10-20 zone. In wotlk it was horribly hard and boring. But using dugi guides on my new lock, I thought the re-vamped zone was just stunning. I liked the humor of the quests, and the storyline; especially when Garrosh Hellscream says ‘Watch your mouth, *****” to lady Sinestra.
All the quests are epic. From Spying on worgens and bombing murlocs with explosive vials to taking an elite ex-scourge, now under the control of lady sinestra, to kill humans and make them forsaken to feeding a massive giant a poisonous chicken. Best zone ever!
Scholomance. A great dungeon because of the unique abilities of some of the creatures (eg. the reanimated corpses getting back up), and the amount of bosses. There are 13 bosses in this normal length dungeon so the looting is amazing. A pity its not heroic…
My favorite zone so far is Winterspring, and it is not for all the typical reasons. It is not because of multitudes of mobs, great drops, or entertaining storylines. I like it because when you first enter from Moonglade, it feels like a breath of fresh air. When I want to take a break from inflicting punishment on all those evil creatures, or a little vacation from the bleakness of some of the more barren and fire scorched lands, I come here, take a deep breath, and breath in the crisp, clean mountain air. Being from Canada, I suppose it feels like home.
I love all the dungeons in the Eastern Kingdom because of the ease of getting to them. Anytime I make a new character I do a combo of quests with Deadmines or Stockades since the layout is pretty simple.
My favorite zone has got to be the lost kingdom of the Ahn’Qiraj, the architecture is really amazing and it reminds me of the good ol’days of Vanilla.
That also brings back worse memories, like the trash after the twin emperors which took ages to clear.
There used to be no way to view it from the outside (besides swimming which didn’t give such a good view) and now that it is open in Cataclysm, I’ve visited it many times just for the nostalgia of seeing a zone where you had such good times.
level 1 because we are all virgins in the game no crupction we are all the same at level 1 no clue wats going on wanting craveng level 85 then wat do we do hahaha yes make a new avatar at level 1 and starte again never endind circle
I like stranglethorn vale. love the hunting quest lines and the jungle and beach atmosphere.
Id have to say StV, awesome questline, good world pvp.
My favorite 1-60 zone is Stranglehorn Vale. I like the compactness of the area and the amount of leveling you can accomplish is a short period of time.
well im gonna say thousand needels. And since there is water, u get a free water boat which makes everything easier <3
It is very fun to see the gnomes and goblins having a bar fight on a huge *** boat. For those who havent tried it, You must do it, u will be pleased.
I loved every second of redridge, the ending was amazing and almost made me cry
My favourite questing zone in cataclysm would have to be redridge i loved every second of it.
My favorite zone is Stontalon Mountains,
the reason I chose this zone is; it has changed significantly both graphic and lore wise,
the zone lore ends when Hellscream is (very) unhappy with what we’ve done, and he wants to punish you for that,
but decides to give you another chance, and you have to prove yourself that you deserve to be a part of your faction.
At that point i felt connected to the lore more than ever, and I think that this story line is probably the best so far.
My favourite 1-60 Zone is Felwood. I really like the art of the zone itself, it is very beatiful, when i have time. I like to walk around to admire the zone.