The War Within: Retail
World of Warcraft Guides
Since 2010 Dugi Guides is the founder of the fastest and complete in-game world of warcraft guides with tons of innovative time saving feature. Guides are developed for every update and expansion by dedicated team.
Cataclysm: Classic
Available now! Dugi Cataclysm Classic Guides fully rebuilt for WoW Classic with support for the latest addon features.
Latest News
Retail Patch 11.1.0 Undermine Zone Update
Hi everyone, we're rolling out an update for the upcoming changes in 11.1 Undermined. Keep in mind t
Retail Patch 11.0.7 Siren Isle Update
|A new update for Retail for "Siren Isle" guides is now available, Please update your guides using t
The War Within Expansion 70-80 Leveling Update
Dugi The War Within guides for this expansion are now available for download. be sure to update now
War Within Update Coming
Hi everyone, the Dugi addon is currently being updated for the War Within patch 11.0. The addon
Cataclysm Classic Guide Available Now!
Cataclysm Classic is set to launch on 20 May 2024 and if you already own the Wrath of Lich King Clas
Cataclysm Classic Pre-Patch Update
The Cataclysm Classic pre-expansion patch ushers in the shattering of Azeroth and the changed landsc
Website Forum Discontinued
Due to the server upgrade to PHP 8, the old Dugi forum on the website no longer work. Unfortunately,
Dragonflight 10.2 Guardians of the Dream
Patch 10.2 is here and we have the guides for you, this will cover content for the new zone 'Emerald
Dragonflight Patch 10.1 Embers of Neltharion Update
Patch 10.1 is live and we have the guides for you Download the latest update now New Achievem
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Is Dugi Guides a Hack, Cheat, or Bot Type Software?
No, Dugi Guides only provide free open source World of Warcraft AddOn within Blizzard's AddOn policy, Blizzard's representative have confirmed our AddOn are within the rules.
Dugi Guides follows Blizzards WoW AddOn API and policy guidelines and unable to perform cheating, botting, or hack of any kind in the game, and does not exist in the code. Dugi Guides requires to be loaded inside World of Warcraft addon section for it to work just like hundreds of other custom AddOns written by other authors.
Private Server
Dugi Guides only support live version of World of Warcraft and does not condone or support any private servers.