
I have more info on the jumping arrow.  I just went through the portal from the Maw to Torghast. After the loading screen the Dugi arrow briefly comes up as a grey map in the original place of the arrow then the grey map changes to the actual arrow and that’s when it jumps.  Also, I want to back up what einstein’s post has said.  I have tried dragging the arrow with both the Ctrl+Right Click Arrow Menu setting set and without it with both doing a plain left drag and a ctrl+left drag.  Nothing works.  I am on version 8.950 and did a fresh Reinstall today just to see if that would help. It didn’t.  My other addons: Altoholic, Bagnon, Bartender4, BlizzMove, Coordinates Tracking, InFlight Taxi Timer, RareScanner, Postal and SmexyMats.