- This topic has 18 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 11 months ago by
February 2, 2020 at 7:46 pm #164542
Dugi I’ve been a fan for a very long time and have been using your guide to lvl up a lot of toons in retail the quality and efficiency in retail guides are par non.. but in classic it’s almost as if they were thrown together and not tested some steps don’t make sense in the order you have them? do you not have the personal to test your guides in classic? classic is going on 7 months now and your claim to have the fastest updates to your guides is kind of falling short here? or have you given up on classic guides? this is not a negative complaint I’m just trying to get info on why your classic guide is so disorganized compared to your retail guide.
February 2, 2020 at 11:09 pm #167665Thrown together? what a slap in the face. You don’t know what you’re talking about, and you’re dead wrong. We played both alliance and horde to level 60 in live and tested the guides thoroughly. If you can provide specific examples we can look at it.
This blanket statement of everything is broken doesn’t help at all. Perhaps you’re just not used to Classic leveling, it takes a long time, lots of running around and it’s not the same as Retail, this is the reality of leveling in Classic.
February 3, 2020 at 11:33 am #167666@junthar12
This is not my experience with the guide. It’s very linear and makes sure you get the correct quests in the correct order so it’s possible to continue the story lines in the next zone and it suggests the quests that are safe to skip etc.Regarding testers:
Personally I’ve got 30+ pages of reports for the Alliance guide alone from leveling several characters to 60. Currently working on my 4th. The response on the forum after my runs was “Alliance guide feels very smooth and detailed now”. Also did a Horde run and now it’s very rare that someone reports anything. Done most starter zones too.They weren’t even 30 pages of errors. Most of it was just me being OCD about it. Dugi loves that. More work! Tiny adjustments to the arrow when it were pointing at NPC’s or an extra travel dot or a secret passage to get from point a-b quicker etc. (you can thank me for that Horde). Adding better details about what to do in a quest etc. A few had the NPC names switched around or a simple typo.
Fact is, the guides are very smooth now and absolutely on par with the retail guide, if not better, since the quests aren’t changing (except for added phase quests).If there’s something to report then it’s easy. Right click the DG icon and go to Current Guide. Note the step # and the quest name followed by a short error description. Doesn’t have to be a 100 line report or a personal diary about how it ruined your life spending 5 minutes to figure it out. Open a ticket and copy paste your notes. You can upload a picture too.Example:
Zone name (1-10)
Step 1 !Do my awesome quest
- questgiver asked me to do stuff
Step 3 ?Do my awesome quest
- didn't turn 60 after one quest
- also didn't get free epicYou don’t have to though
Edit: Not claiming the guides is 100% error free, but I’d like to see examples and be proven wrong. If there’s an oversight anywhere it’s important that it gets fixed so we all get the best leveling experience possible. I do claim that Dugi Guides is the best guide both in design, features and leveling experience. And bugs gets fixed fast: https://www.dugiguides.com/discussions/#/categories/updates
February 4, 2020 at 4:27 am #170690Well said football
February 5, 2020 at 1:37 am #167668it is a very good guide there are a lot of things I love about it i still use it but i notice alot of errors in multiple guides steps that are out of place i have posted a few already that i have noticed. take lock modan for instance on alliance side a dark threat looms you have a step to pick up the quest but no turn in for it in any guide quite a few isntances where your ant trail is completly in the wrong area in ashenvale 24-24 dal’s head quest doesnt even point to where his spawn point is. where in retail it is.. you claimed to tell us when we can bank a quest item and when to pick it up have yet to see it… i’m sorry if i hit a nerve i was making an observation from what i have noticed in the guide and was providing feedback for it
February 5, 2020 at 8:21 am #167669A Dark Threat Looms appears to be correct in the guide, I think you must have picked up part 3 which is not part of our guide. You are correct with Dal’s Head the waypoint is mixed up, I’ll fix that up
April 1, 2020 at 3:29 am #167867This guide is awesome. I’ve been using it for years. I do like to report errors when I catch them; not sure where to do that. I just discovered on Alliance classic side. When doing the “Freed from the Hive” questline that starts in Feathermoon Stronghold. After you complete the 4th step and free the guy from the hive, the guide says to go to Thalanaar to fly back to Feathermoon and turn in the quest. This is good because it’s actually quicker than running back and swimming/waiting for the boat. However, it does not tell you to turn in the “Delivery to Thalanar” quest while you’re there. It does tell you after you have flown all the way back to Feathermoon. I saw the ? just as I accepted the flight and had to backtrack. I’ve only ever noticed small things like this.
April 4, 2020 at 4:38 am #167881you’re correct, I’ll make the changes thank you
April 6, 2020 at 6:29 pm #167888I to am a long time user and there is a lot of issues with the guide. Often sends you to wrong place to complete quests. Lets not make it sound like its perfect because it is not. I have deleted dugi files and redownloaded, no change. Made sure Tom Tom is up to date and still sends you on wild goose chases and even tells you to turn in quests when you haven’t completed them yet. It seems like it gets confused when a new toon is created and thinks you have done some of the quests when you have not. Its a little frustrating. And what Junthar12 said.
April 6, 2020 at 7:14 pm #167889Like right this very minute Dugiguide is telling me to go to Goldshire when I’m still not finished with quest. Its also showing an area where the quest should be completed, its way off by 100’s of yards. Whats the issue here? Dont tell me to reinstall, I have done that 10 times. I have also disabled all addons but Dugi and Tom Tom.
April 6, 2020 at 7:18 pm #167890The quest is Bounty on Murlocs in ELC. I just completed the quest and rather than turn in 300 yards away, DugiGuides is telling me to hearth to Goldshire. This is getting real frustrating.
April 7, 2020 at 4:37 am #170655any chance to provide video proof of this alleged wild goose chase?
April 7, 2020 at 12:06 pm #167895Man you guys are quick to push the blame. I have no way of creating a video. I was expecting “we will look in to it”, or try this or something. But nope you give some smart *** response like that. I am bringing an issue to you, if you don’t want to fix it then I can cancel my subscription. I have tried on different PC with fresh install ok, the guide has issues and I just want them fixed thats all, nothing more nothing less. But what I dont want is some smart *** reply like I’m making this up.
April 7, 2020 at 3:39 pm #167896April 7, 2020 at 3:40 pm #167897Why is Dugi sending me to SW? For NO reason
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