so far the guide i have purchased is a little inaccurate in terms of steps the biggest ones are in ashen vale
i am level 26 horde shaman and im on Ashen vale(26-27 zone) quest couple problems/bugs i have found and thought i should list them

states i should kill this mob keep in mind i am 26 i managed to first lure him to the guards where they helped me kill him but then i was unable to even loot him 2x this happend even with me getting the finishing blow so eventually i manage to solo him with a lot of effort only to find out you can’t even loot the quest item till your 27 and i have confirmed this with 4 other 27s who looted the quest item 1st go.. the guide does not tell you that you need to be 27 to do these quest
and also it’s not just sharptalon its also Shadumbra’s head and Ursangou’s Paw you need to be (27) to pick up the quest

so because of this i seem to be stuck and can’t pick up the next quest called

by following the guide strickly i am stuck with only these 2 quest and nothing else to pick up and the other ! quest the guide says its not part of the guide to follow please help