The auto mount feature is great, though I’d like to definitively turn it off and on in macros, I know there is a toggle, but that assumes that it will be on or off at the time I press the macro, could we get something like
/dugi automountoff
/dugi automounton
So when I create a macro to switch to fishing like this
/equipset [noequipped:Fishing Pole] PvF
/dugi automountoff
it will definitely be off and when I mount up again I can turn it back on with something like
#showtooltip Invincible
/equipset [equipped:Fishing Pole] PvE
/cast [nostance:1] Crusader Aura
/cast Invincible
/run C_MountJournal.SummonByID(0)
/dugi automounton
because if it is simply /dugi automount and I press one of the above macros it will not guarantee that it will be turned off or on, yea I could always just press twice haha, just thought I’d ask.