RE: DGV.GetObjectivesInfo()
if type == "monster" then
local _, _, monsterName, objNum, objNeeded = strfind(text, DGV.PreparePattern(QUEST_MONSTERS_KILLED))
result[#result + 1] = {text = text, type="npc", done=done, item_NPC_name=monsterName, totalNeeded=tonumber(objNeeded), leftAmount=tonumber(objNeeded)-tonumber(objNum)}

I would suggest modifying this slightly to account for these edge cases.
Flight Master Icons are no longer showing up on the mini or world maps. I have a separate DEV account with a clean install running DG solo with an empty game cache and zero residual addon files. Same issue.
Separate issue – Track Quest Givers conflicts with Questie and causes tooltip errors.