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  • #164109

      So many errors it kicks me out of then game. Log in shows requires reload click yes or enable essentials. Yes just does a reload. Enable Essential cause massive amounts of LUA errors. Please Fix!!! 

      648x DugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:3317: attempt to index field ‘tags’ (a nil value)
      DugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:3317: in function <DugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:3314>
      DugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:3367: in function `UpdateTravelToLocation’
      DugisGuideViewerZarrow.lua:1771: in function `UPDATE’
      DugisGuideViewerZarrow.lua:1741: in function `action’
      DugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:626: in function <DugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:589>
      DugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:809: in function <DugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:800>
      DugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:925: in function <DugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:915>
      indx = 1
      (*temporary) = nil
      (*temporary) = 1
      (*temporary) = nil
      (*temporary) = nil
      (*temporary) = nil
      (*temporary) = nil
      (*temporary) = nil
      (*temporary) = nil
      (*temporary) = nil
      (*temporary) = nil
      (*temporary) = nil
      (*temporary) = nil
      (*temporary) = “attempt to index field ‘tags’ (a nil value)”
      DGU = <table> {
       PetBattleOn = false
       LFGWorldLocation = “876:nil:2659417543”
       smallFrameTabs = <table> {
       showLeftMenuForCurrentGuide = true
       toskip = <table> {
       CurrentQuestIndex = 1
       CharacterGUID = “Player-158-07349CBE”
       excludedTrackingPoints = <table> {
       CollectedSkillsInfo = <table> {
       userCustomWeights_v4 = <table> {
       PreviewPointy = 19.300000
       turnedinquests = <table> {
       NoQuestLogUpdateTrigger = true
       dayOfTheYear = 243
       QuestState = <table> {
       waypoints = <table> {
       removedQuests = <table> {
       RecentGuides = <table> {
       PreviewPointx = 30.470000
       ModelDataOn = false
       subCategoriesExpanded = <table> {
       EnableQWStatus = false
       FinalizeWaypoint = true
       WaypointGuideIndex = 1
       smallFrameTab = <table> {
       NextQuestIndex = 1
       shownObjectives = <table> {
       alreadySuggestedGuides = <table> {
      DGV = <table> {
       TranslateWorldMapPosition = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZMapUtils.lua:285
       tIndexOfFirst = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:154
       UpdateNotificationsMarkVisibility = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:1224
       ListContains = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:957
       ClearGuide = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:216
       CreateSettingsTree = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:3814
       SetQuestText = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:5353
       NotificationsHeaderParent = <unnamed> {
       DeclineShareInvitation = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:7826
       Skip = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:4377
       GetCurrentMapZone_dugi = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZMapUtils.lua:2259
       BACKGRND_PATH = “DialogFrameUI-DialogBox-Background”
       QUEST_COMPLETE = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5489
       RefreshReplacedTags = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:5082
       DisplayViewTabInThread = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZGuides.lua:3850
       GetZoneIdByName = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZMapUtils.lua:523
       OnGearFinderSettingsChanged = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZGearFinder.lua:1648
       RegisterModule = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:150
       SmartSetTargetOnClick = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:3865
       PrintTable = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:1147
       LargeFrameBorderDropdown_OnClick = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4247
       IsModuleLoaded = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZModules.lua:366
       DebugPrint = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:292
       SetupWorldQuestButton_dugi = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZQuestPOI.lua:336
       BeforeCombatStart = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:6887
       db = <table> {
       UpdateSettingsCheckbox = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:2065
       IsModelDataOn = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZUtil.lua:4
       SetDB = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:4328
       GetQuestLogIndexByQID = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua:5772
       DebugFormat = <function> defined @DugisGuideViewerZDebug.lua:33
       specializaton = 1

      The count at the top never stops.


        Hi please update now to fix this issue



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