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  • #164607


      I’ve just purchased dugi for classic, and i’ve been having a little trouble.

      When i complete a step or the guide update itself (for exemple by killing a monster related to my current quest), it makes my fps drop from 120 to 0-20 for a second. It happends when i loot a quest item, when i kill a monster for a quest of the current guide and even when i pick up/turn in a quest.

      I’ve searched the forum for quite some times, and i cannot find any similar topic. 

      I’ve tried to delete all maccro, but the problem is still there.

      Does anyone have a solution ?
      Thanks in advance.


        might be a conflict with another addon, can you test with only dugi enabled, then try with your other addons. 


          I’ve disabled all addons but dugi, and the fps drop is still present when i do one of the action that i listed, it’s just a little bit less painful.


            are you using the latest update? 

            can you test with a brand new character. 

            try loading the installer > settings > click repair > click ok > click reinstall 

            can you try creating a screencast to demonstrate the issue, its quick and easy to do click here to see how to record



              Simply rebooting my computer somehow fixed the issue. I don’t know what caused this bug, but it seems to be coming from my side.

              Thanks for your help, and have a nice evening.


                I’ll bump this instead of making a new. I have this same issue. Any time I accept/turn in a quest or make progress on a quest and the guide updates I get a massive frame drop. I have tried disabling all other addons, putting the guide in essential mode and it still happens.


                Its hard to see but my fps drops from 150ish to 40


                  hello i have the same problem


                    I’ll bump this instead of making a new. I have this same issue. Any time I accept/turn in a quest or make progress on a quest and the guide updates I get a massive frame drop. I have tried disabling all other addons, putting the guide in essential mode and it still happens.


                    Its hard to see but my fps drops from 150ish to 40

                    Hi can you create a clip without any other addon load, you have a lot of addons loaded there. 


                      I’d like to add some light to this, to me it seems to be from a Windows update, I am not sure which one, but since one of those Windows updates, it doesn’t matter which game it is there’s sometimes a bottle neck in fps. It does seem a restart does fix the issue to a degree.
                      I am currently digging around for a fix like the “Empty Standby Memory” issue. I am currently using that method and it is stable, if you aren’t using this, I suggest to follow that guide, trust me. It works on Desktop / Laptop’s.

                      I also read that Graphics Drivers don’t resolve this issue, others have also posted that it doesn’t matter if Windows 10 gaming is enabled or disabled. I’ll still continue to dig around because I am getting the same thing in Guild Wars 2, and I have tested with World of Warcraft Retail and Classic all of which after some time of game play the fps reduction just spoils the game.


                        Well, “Empty Standby” Memory” only helps when you run out of physical memory, which then leads to swapfile usage. What it does is to force the RAM cache to be emptied, which in turn if meant to workaround supposed OS cache bugs of not releasing cache memory for unused data. As long as there is free memory or the cache data is usable/useful there is no need to empty it.


                          @einistein ??? Yeah I know, just that windows 10 doesn’t do this automatically on it’s own with out this work around, sorry thought people would appreciate this info, obviously not.

                          Just comes to show how many people want help and other just want to make a subject to argue.


                            To be technical here’s a list of troubleshooting steps that I think will normally resolve something like this. If I missed something please let me know nicely. Please don’t forget respect.

                            1. Update Graphics Drivers
                            2. Roll back the last update
                            3. Disable Windows 10 Game Bar
                            4. Disable Windows 10 Gaming
                            5. Windows Settings > System > Notifications & Actions > untick Get tips, tricks and suggestions as you use Windows
                            6. Perform a clean boot 

                            Now most like myself have done all of the above AND still getting low FPS in games.
                            I always think of others so once I find something I will report back to what it is and whether or not it will help others that are experiencing this same issue.


                              Having the same FPS trouble here along with a friend of mine that also uses the guide.


                                Having the same FPS trouble here along with a friend of mine that also uses the guide.

                                Need more information to help, can you test with only dugi enabled and describe exact steps to replicate the issue or video will help a lot. 


                                  Dugi said:

                                  Having the same FPS trouble here along with a friend of mine that also uses the guide.

                                  Need more information to help, can you test with only dugi enabled and describe exact steps to replicate the issue or video will help a lot. 

                                  Here is a quick video with only Dugi addon enabled.  Notice my FPS jumps in half when looting a quest item. It seems that when the item hit my bag the guide updates and causes a subtle chop in fps. This going from 200 fps to 100 may not seem bad but its the sudden chop that causes issues.  When in zones that you have to kill X number of enemies for quest objectives the add on is unusable. If you kill 2-3 mobs at once the fps drop is huge and appears to lag the game for 1-2 seconds at times. As a new customer of Dugi, i’m happy to see the 60 day satisfaction guarantee. If this is not a fixable thing i will be opting for the refund. Thanks in advance.

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