I decided to start a new toon to experiment with the night elf character type, almost finished the quests line from Teldrassil (98% complete), the Dugi guide and arrow directs me to Accept “Hero’s Call to Darkshore”, witch can not be found, the hero’s call board does not offer such a quest, it offers “Chromie’s Call, “Broken Sore” and Tanaan Jungle”. See Pict
Even asked the NPC standing beside it just in case, not working either as that NPC only offers “Tides of War” in Stormwind. See Pict
Figured I would try the next step Turn in “Home of the Kaldorei” (Tyrande Whitsperwind), as maybe, just maybe I can tick the previous quest “Hero’s Call to Darkshore” and continue, not working either as there is no NPC Tyrande Whitsperwind to accept the complete the Quest (pre quest item in hand). See Pict
Since I have not played in years, I have no clue as to where to go, how to side track this or how or if I can bypass this to continue playing. So I now have another character stuck dead on it’s tracks (my other Booty Bay question still remains unanswered so that toon is stuck in place).
Could you please give me directions as to what I can do to progress and play.
I do enjoy using the Dugi guide as I am often reminded why I purchased it in the first place, it makes playing a lot easier not having to figure out what to do next, or where to go next to progress, but right now, this is not the case. I understand that the new expansion of Shadowloands is probably taxing you on time and energy, but it would be nice to be able to return to the game soon.
Thank you in advance for your reply.