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  • #164104
      As the title says I am consistently experiencing my checkout session being flagged as “network abuse” by clickbank. I have tried different browsers with addons disabled, AV disabled and different IPs. Yet I still get to the page with the message “The web server cannot find the file you asked for.
      Check the URL to ensure that the path is correct.Please use the main
      navigation to continue.”
      I think clickbank may be rate limiting purchases.


        are you still having this issue?


          Dugi said:

          are you still having this issue?

          Yes, this is still an issue.


            I spoke to clickbank and they deny any network error like this on their side. Can you try using a different computer, and make sure browser is clean from addons/plugins etc

              Why is clickbank even in the path of the payment URL? Can I not pay directly via card or paypal or even crypto currencies?
              I contacted click also and they were entirely unhelpful. Chat transaction below.
              ClickBank (CLKBANK*COM)

              6:07 PM

              Thank you for contacting ClickBank (CLKBANK*COM)! A Customer Service
              Representative will be available to assist you as soon as possible!

              ClickBank (CLKBANK*COM)

              6:07 PM

              To view our privacy policy, please go to:

              ClickBank (CLKBANK*COM)

              6:07 PM

              Thank you for chatting Click Bank. For English, enter 1, for
              Spanish, enter 2, for German, enter 3, French enter 4, Portuguese, enter
              5, Italian, enter 6


              6:08 PM


              ClickBank (CLKBANK*COM)

              6:08 PM

              For Customer Service, Press 1. For Partner or Affiliate Services, Press 2.


              6:08 PM


              ClickBank (CLKBANK*COM)

              6:08 PM

              Can I have your name?

              ClickBank (CLKBANK*COM)

              6:08 PM

              What is your email address that was used at the time of purchase?

              ClickBank (CLKBANK*COM)

              6:09 PM

              For faster service, please provide your order number. This can be
              located right after clkbank*com_ on your statement. If you are looking
              at your PayPal receipt our order number is the same as the invoice ID.

              ClickBank (CLKBANK*COM)

              6:09 PM

              Thank you for holding. Your chat will be answered by the next available agent.

              ClickBank (CLKBANK*COM)

              6:09 PM

              Paul has connected to the chat.


              6:09 PM

              Hello , how may I help you today?


              6:09 PM



              6:10 PM

              Hello , how may I help you today?


              6:10 PM

              I keep getting sent to the network abuse detected page when I try to buy a product from one of your affiliates.


              6:10 PM

              The message says “The web server cannot find the file you asked for.
              Check the URL to ensure that the path is correct.Please use the main
              navigation to continue.”


              6:11 PM

              I have tried different browsers, computers and IPs.


              6:13 PM

              I understand, maybe the URL for the affiliate was incorrect since you used other options.


              6:14 PM

              Are you still there? For the chat to continue, please respond within 60 seconds or the chat will end.


              6:14 PM

              164-172 is the product id


              6:16 PM

              I’m sorry but for more information regarding with your concern you contact one our support client through


              6:16 PM

              Is there anything else I may assist you with?


              6:17 PM

              Are you still there? For the chat to continue, please respond within 60 seconds or the chat will end.


              6:18 PM

              I hope you found the answers you needed. If you need further
              support, please start a new chat as it appears we were either
              disconnected or you no longer need assistance. If you need more time,
              please call us at (800) 390-6035.

              Have a great day, and thank you for contacting!

              ClickBank (CLKBANK*COM)

              6:18 PM

              Chat session ended


              couldn’t purchase it as well. when I try using paypal, on clickbank, i press “pay now” and it redirects me to paypal. once i auth and press “pay now” on paypal, i get redirected back to clickbank, but nothing happens, i get into infinite loop of “pay now”s.
              I even tried using my bank card to pay, but it tells me “Your payment was declined. Please try another card or attempt to complete your purchase through PayPal”.
              I don’t have another card, but i’ve used it to get some other stuff today, so there is definitely something wrong with clickbank :/
              tried another browser and another computer, still no luck.


                this is what I get from the clickbank page ..  “The web server cannot find the file you asked for. Check the URL to ensure that the path is correct.Please use the main navigation to continue.”

                My credit card was also refused payment. The same is true for paypal.


                  Hi contact clickbank and tell them the email you’re using to purchase and request to get it whitelisted. 


                  I tried clickbank and said that my payment is a whitelist. I also contacted my credit card company, but they did not receive any transaction records from me. I also used more than two credit cards and could not complete the transaction…

                    tg200sc said:

                    I tried clickbank and said that my payment is a whitelist. I also contacted my credit card company, but they did not receive any transaction records from me. I also used more than two credit cards and could not complete the transaction…

                    It’s part of a fraud prevention system I’m afraid, I don’t know about your credit history but you will need to find a way to fix it.

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