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  • #164810

      Using 8.937. Only Dugi Enabled.  The Objective Tracker Moves slightly after every reload/login.  Usually just up a few, but those movements add up.  Sometimes it’ll be several pixels the other direction.  The arrow/target frames seem to behaving.

      I have tried Locking the Frame, Unlocking the Frame.  Same.  I have tried using MoveAnything to override Dugi handling of anchors, but that causes some frames to not appear at all.

      This is something fairly  minor but annoying enough to be irritating.   Disabling small frame anchoring is also not an option — your addon completely removes Elvui ability to move the tracker. So even if you turn Dugi off, the tracker is stuck it it’s default position.


        I’ve had the same problem for multiple versions.  I have to unclick frame lock, reposition and relock every single login.  For me it moves upwards and obscures something else so I have to move it.  Also using Elv the Benik edit.

        Like you said, doesn’t affect anything but soooo irritating.

        I wish Dugi would unhook his addon from the objective tracker completly like all other guide addons out there.  This addon should be seperate and that way there would be no complatibility issues with other addons that modify or move the tracker.
        I have found that I have been using this addon less due to the tight integration, it has been my one issue with this addon since way back when the integration was first implemented.

          dozi said:

          I wish Dugi would unhook his addon from the objective tracker completly like all other guide addons out there.  This addon should be seperate and that way there would be no complatibility issues with other addons that modify or move the tracker.
          I have found that I have been using this addon less due to the tight integration, it has been my one issue with this addon since way back when the integration was first implemented.

          This option already exist. Disable Anchored Frame mode and Objective Tracker Frame border to fix this 


            Using 8.937. Only Dugi Enabled.  The Objective Tracker Moves slightly after every reload/login.  Usually just up a few, but those movements add up.  Sometimes it’ll be several pixels the other direction.  The arrow/target frames seem to behaving.

            I have tried Locking the Frame, Unlocking the Frame.  Same.  I have tried using MoveAnything to override Dugi handling of anchors, but that causes some frames to not appear at all.

            This is something fairly  minor but annoying enough to be irritating.   Disabling small frame anchoring is also not an option — your addon completely removes Elvui ability to move the tracker. So even if you turn Dugi off, the tracker is stuck it it’s default position.

            You can’t use multiple addons to control the objective frame you have to chose one or the other. If you want to use moveanything then you need to disable all Objective Tracker modification with Dugi or vice versa.  

            Disable Anchored Frame mode and Objective Tracker Frame with Dugi to resolve any conflict with other addon that modify Obj Tracker position. 

            if you want to use Dugi feature then you have to disable MoveAnything  modification of Obj Tracker and use Dugi to move the Tracker. 


              I think you missed the point.  Using only Dugi, the frame moves on it’s own accord.  Anything else was temporary and an attempt to find a workaround until it can be fixed.

              Unchecking Anchored Small Frame and Unchecking Move Objective Tracker Frame does not remove conflicts with other addons.

              I would like to use Dugi with anchored small frame and the whole kit and caboodle; it’s nice & clean and looks great combined.  However, I’d also not like to have to move the frame back to position every time I log in.


                I think you missed the point.  Using only Dugi, the frame moves on it’s own accord.  Anything else was temporary and an attempt to find a workaround until it can be fixed.

                Unchecking Anchored Small Frame and Unchecking Move Objective Tracker Frame does not remove conflicts with other addons.

                I would like to use Dugi with anchored small frame and the whole kit and caboodle; it’s nice & clean and looks great combined.  However, I’d also not like to have to move the frame back to position every time I log in.

                I need more information to help you as this doesn’t happen for me can you provide exact steps to replicate the issue. 

                screenshot of the position you used etc 


                  I did some troubleshooting on my own today and I’ll share my observations.  First pictures of the problem.  Pay attention to the hearthstone in relationship to the guide.

                  Proper Alignment

                  After reload/login/first guide load

                  This test was done using only Dugi enabled to rule out conflict.  There are 3 scenarios in which I noticed movement.

                  MultiStep + Anchored:
                  When I turn off multi-step mode the window position doesn’t move.  The movement still occurs if there’s only 1 step or if World Quest Tracking Guide is enabled.  My theory is the dynamic nature of that Multi-Step window is adjusting size from the center, but the anchor remains at the top.

                  The easiest way for me to test this was using tabs, I’d select a blank tab (no guide loaded) and then select the a tab with a guide and you can see the window change beyond where it should be anchored (in this case upwards).  It would take another reload to cause it occur again.  Having a guide already enabled would still change the window position, but happened while the whole interface was loading.  It’s odd that on my other computer (son’s/1080 vs 1440) it’s shifting downward gradually.

                  Anchored, no Multi-Step
                  After several reloads with just Multi-step turned off, the frame moves the opposite direction, albeit only a few pixels per load.

                  With Elvui loaded, this shift once again goes upwards — no idea there  

                  Anchored off & Multi-Step Off
                  Same as above, moving very slightly after each reload.  This is one tough to replicates, most times with both off there’s no movement at all

                  Currently running without anchored or multi-step enabled to minimize movements.  Also making sure I log off with no guides loaded (blank tab)

                    When the DG small window is integrated into the objective tracker and Elvui is loaded then the tracker moves upwards to where the minimap would be without Elvui. Since my Elvui increases the minimap size to 250% the tracker then moves below the minimap.
                    When the DG small window is *not* integrated into the objective tracker then it tends to move *downwards* instead. Here is an example where I installed Kaliel’s tracker and originally placed the DG small window at the same height (upper border). This happens regardless of whether the small window is locked or not. With Kaliel’s installed it also does not matter whether integration is enabled or not.
                    The movement happens for a long time already, but I mean to remember that it started at some point in time.

                      The objective tracker is not in the default position, you must have some other addon loaded that alter position, unless you’re using the Dugi “Move Objective Tracker” setting to move it. 

                      it should be just below the minimap, it is possible that it’s because of the 21:9 screen. I dont have a screen like that to test but objective tracker position, should be the same like this screenshot below 

                        Let me clarify the (2) problem(s): When Elvui is used then the DG Small Window keeps moving across the screen erratically with each reload. The objective tracker is *not* affected by itself. This needs fixing.
                        Only once the DG Small Window is “integrated” into the OT does the OT start moving just like the Small Window did before. This likely would be fixed once the SW movement is fixed.
                        That is unless DG’s Move OT tracker option is disabled. In this case the SW + OT are locked to the Blizzard default position (higher), which is *not* the Elvui default position (lower). The latter is problematic when the Elvui minimap option is used to enlarge the minimap (I use 250%), because then the minimap covers the SW + OT. This needs fixing for compatibility with Elvui.

                          Please see this video and can you check and see what I’m doing wrong because I’m not able to make it fail 

                          it never move erratically with each reload with only Dugi and ElvUI enabled. 


                            Your video demonstrates how the small frame moved towards the lower left edge.
                            Before reload at 0:28
                            After reload 0:34

                              Both my Classic and Retail installations use the following setting:
                              2560×1600 px, UI scale 0.64 according to Elvui, uiScale “0.64999997615814” according to CVar ( When I change Elvui scale it does not change, but Elvui states that the setting is per user and I did not find the corresponding per user settings file yet.
                              UI scale does affect small window placement, so there could be a rounding issue. For comparison: Kaliel’s tracker does not move relative to the minimap when UI scale is changed, so there are different implementations.
                                Seems like Elvui’s UI scale setting is independent of WoW UI scale and Elvui scale changes is what affects the DG small frame directly. When I set Elvui UI scale to 0.8 then its own saved variables list:
                                            ["UIScale"] = 0.8,
                                        ["uiScale"] = "0.64999997615814",

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