- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 9 months ago by
May 4, 2022 at 10:23 am #165139
I want to write my own personal guide for my own use. Is there any documentation to the file format for making your own guide? The format for individual steps looks pretty easy to follow, but i would love an explaination for what things does so i dont have to reverse engineer everything myself.
R Bilgewater Harbor |N|Use the Gyrocopter to return to {Bilgewater Harbor} (34.51, 44.53)| |QID|14130| |WR|T Shore Leave |QID|24449| |N|(npc:36959) (60.61, 50.54) in {Bilgewater Harbor}| |NPC|36959|A Friends Come In All Colors |QID|14130| |N|(npc:35867) (55.49, 52.13) in {Bilgewater Harbor}| |NPC|35867|N Get Water Walking Buff |N|Talk to (npc:35867) and get the Water Walking buff from him, tick this step (55.49, 52.13)| |QID|14131| |NPC|35867|f Bilgewater Harbor |N|Grab {Bilgewater Harbor} flight path (52.92, 49.87)| |QID|14131| |NPC|8610|just a few lines randomly picked. first character means something, R T A N f, guessing that is the type.
there are also coordianates linked to npcs and locations and quest IDs.So given Im able to write all the steps correctly, are there more details that needs to be added? like maybe the filename of the guide needs to be written in somewhere as well? or more?
Any details would be nice.
Im writing my own speed-leveling guide in shadowlands, i have a thread of fate route setup that works really well and i would love to have it ingame
May 5, 2022 at 3:32 am #170349Hi eivl, You can find all the information with in README file within every release, it does cover how these modules work and explains what the tags are and what they do.
further more I can help with you further if you get stuck, Discord Ozzi#9217R (run) is used for travel to.. in which can be F (fly) or b (boat) or H (hearth)
T is turn in questA is accept questN is note, this is used pretty much all the time.f is get flight master, usually indicated with a green !As for NPC id’s you can use this macro script/dump UnitName("target"), UnitGUID("target")
Simply target the NPC and then click the macro in the action bar. the output will be in the chat, will look something like this
"Hogger", "Creature-0-1465-0-2105-448-000043F59F"
As you can see in the above, npc’s name is Hogger and it’s ID is 448.another macro script you can use is for MapID or rather |Z| tag/run local mapID = C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player"); print(format("You are in %s (%d)", C_Map.GetMapInfo(mapID).name, mapID))
When you click on the macro in the action bar, the output will be in the chat and will look something like this
You are in Stormwind City (84)
The map name is Stormwind City and the ID is 84 the tag will be |Z|84|The quest ID’s are found by using wowhead, you can also use another addon Leatrix Plus, there’s a setting in there that you can tick “show wowhead links” so when you click on show more details on a quest, at the top it will show a link with a id at the end.The modules are usually saved in a meaningful way, example Zerth Mortis is called 2 names Secrets of the First ones and Eternity’s End, in which the file would be like Eternitys_End.lua. As long as you retain the header and footer explained in the README file.Next is to load that module, world of warcraft loads these with .xml, most folders at present (05/05/2022) has a Guides.xml file, these would be DugisGuide_ach_xxxThe .xml should look like this<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">
<Script file="ozzis_awesome_guide.lua"/>
</Ui>However to simplify this, you can make your own folder say Ozzis_Guides, put all my guide modules in that folder, place the .xml in side it.Next you would need to edit the .toc file, Find DugisGuideViewerZ.toc and find # Guides, anywhere in this section add the .xml path and file name.E.G. Ozzis_Gudiesguides.xmlFor more information or guidance you got Dugi, contact info is in the Support section, and you got me, my discord info is above in this post. I wish you the best of luck.May 5, 2022 at 5:48 am #170343I also would like to explain the modules a little bit more. The “header” is a piece of code to register the module. This is the “header” of the module.local Guide = DugisGuideViewer:RegisterModule("DugisGuide_Ach_Shadowlands_Eternitys_End")
function Guide:Initialize()
function Guide:Load()DugisGuideViewer:RegisterGuide({"|cffffd200Shadowlands|r", "|cffffd200Zereth Mortis|r"}, "Eternity's End Questline (60)", nil, nil, nil, "A", "nil", function()
return cffffd200Shadowlands|r", "|cffffd200Zereth Mortis|r"}, "Eternity's End Questline (60)", nil, nil, nil, "A", "nil", function()1. Title this is the “Eternity’s End Questline (60)”,This is the guide title indicating that its a questline for level 60.2. Guide category “A” this can be L (leveling) D (dailies) A (achievement) E (events) M (maps)
So, for a speed leveling guide, it would have an “L”3. This line({"|cffffd200Shadowlands|r", "|cffffd200Zereth Mortis|r"},
or("|cffffd200Shadowlands|r", "|cffffd200Zereth Mortis|r",
Is for the main menu path’s, each module should contain this exactly to avoid multiple variants.The guide is added within [[ and starting with N commonly, else if in game the icon is not appearing correctly you’d use C, B or K or override tags |V| (vehicle) or |T| (bag) etc.Commenting out is usually –, anything after that on the same line will be ignored.There are some new tags that I should mention, they include|COV|1| 0 = none, 1 = Kyrian, 2 = Venthyr, 3 = Nightfae, 4 = Necrolordor|COV|Kyrian| |COV|Venthyr| |COV|Nightfae| |COV|Necrolord| it’s pretty simple, if you’re not in Kyrian Covenant, you won’t see that step.|CHOICE| Starts with something like (choice:1:Shadow)<br/>(choice:2:Holy)<br/>(choice:3:Discipline)If player clicks (choice:1:Shadow) then all steps with |CHOICE|1| will become active.
Lines would be:
A Some quest |QID|12345| |N|(npc:154236) in {Some Random Place} (52.45, 65.36) |Z|1526| |NPC|154236| |CHOICE|1|A Some quest |QID|13265| |N|(npc:124589) in {Another Random Place} (78.98, 85.62)| |Z|154236| |NPC|124589| |CHOICE|2|etc.We use |REACH| for some steps, like this one from Chains of Domination guide.Example:N Return to Oribos |QID|64014| |N|Jump into the portal (59.01, 22.84)| |Z|1971| |REACH|44.95,40.99,1543| |MAP|1543|
This is for when the player enters a portal etc.
I also urge you to open some of these guides up and take a long look at them to see what’s been used.Useful tags to use:<b> is a bullet<horde> is Horde logo<alliance> is Alliance logo<g> is a gold coin<s> is a silver coin<c> is a copper coin<color:ff142e>Text here</c> Colors the text to be the chosen color code. To get these codes, use Free Color Picker app for Windows or ColorSlurp app for Mac or ColorPickerPlus (wow addon).(cur:1245) Shows the currency icon and tooltipsOf course the following will help link in steps.(item:12345) Shows item info and tooltips(aid:12345) Shows achievement info and tooltips(fac:12345) Shows faction info and tooltips(qid:12345) Shows quest info and tooltipsMay 5, 2022 at 5:56 am #170341So for personal guides, you’d want to keep the folder structure on a separate drive or github or bitbucket etc. because whenever Dugi releases an update, the work you did will be gone, until of course you add the folders/files back and make the necessary edits.You have my discord username and I wont mind it if you add me and pop questions my wayMay 5, 2022 at 10:46 am #169598oh thank you so much
i will add you on discord, my name there is the same as here.
appreciate all you have written, i will go over and read it all.
Im not sure i can have my guide on github, anyone can fork it and im not sure im allowed to share my private guide to anyone.
I could ofc just make it private and then merge a branch with my changes back when the addon updates. im sure i will figure it out
May 5, 2022 at 11:02 am #170342Another way to do this is to edit the DugisGuideViewerZ.toc and look for #Record.lua and then delete the #, save and load up World of Warcraft. At the Character select screen, select a character, ensure that all addons are disabled except dugi guides, reason being, to free up resources and to minimize clutter etc.Log in to the game with the chosen character.Type in /dgr limit should output in the chat frame “Dugis Unbound Quest Record Limit”From now on when ever you accept a quest / world quest it will list out the steps as followsN Pool of Potions |QID|58431| |N|(npc:157945) in {House of Plagues} (59.13, 73.85)| |Z|1536| |NPC|157945|
You will see them when you type /dgr the window should appear, presented with enable check box and Clear Record button, below is the recorded information.
You can interact with it using the mouse and the up down left right direction keys, You can select text and then ctrl + c and paste in to your favorite editor, I use a combination of coders, however it all depends on what code youre coding, for .lua based stuff Notepad++ or Atom from atom.io or Microsoft Visual Code these are all free and they seem very nice, there’s at least a whole arms length of others that you can use.
This recorder simplifies things, it also tracks used items such as quest items, consumables, toys, trinkets etc keep that in mind when tidying it all up.
What I men by tiding it all up is, copying the recorded data and pasting it in to your favorite editor, then saving it as a record1.txt and then pasting it in to your guide.
You now start adding tags, etc. -
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