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  • #165485

      I am receiving an addon crash whenever completing a quest that has a percentage bar.  Upon reaching 100% the following error is presented and is reproducible.  Thanks!

      Message: …zzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:586: attempt to index field ‘?’ (a nil value)
      Time: Tue Nov 14 18:52:07 2023
      Count: 1
      Stack: …zzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:586: attempt to index field ‘?’ (a nil value)
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua”]:586: in function `FreeProgressBar’
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua”]:302: in function `FreeLine’
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua”]:327: in function `GetLine’
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua”]:362: in function `AddObjective’
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Objectives.lua”]:79: in function `AddObjective’
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Objectives.lua”]:154: in function <Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Objectives.lua:140>
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Objectives.lua”]:243: in function <Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Objectives.lua:228>
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Objectives.lua”]:361: in function `UpdateSingle’
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Objectives.lua”]:439: in function `Update’
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/SmallFrame.lua”]:549: in function `UpdateTracker’
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/SmallFrame.lua”]:581: in function <Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/SmallFrame.lua:574>
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Util.lua”]:982: in function `action’
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Util.lua”]:575: in function `action’
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Util.lua”]:636: in function <Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Util.lua:599>
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Util.lua”]:819: in function <Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Util.lua:810>
      [string “@Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Util.lua”]:934: in function <Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Util.lua:933>
      [string “=[C]”]: ?
      Locals: self = <table> {
       UsesSharedHeader = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:177
       contentsHeight = 0
       OnFreeTypedLine = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_QuestObjectiveTracker.lua:32
       AddObjective = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Objectives.lua:78
       EndLayout = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:156
       BlocksFrame = ObjectiveTrackerBlocksFrame {
       AddProgressBar = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:541
       GetBlock = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:181
       OnBlockHeaderLeave = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Objectives.lua:63
       MarkBlocksUnused = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:235
       freeLines = <table> {
       FreeUnusedBlocks = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Objectives.lua:86
       lineTemplate = “ObjectiveTrackerLineTemplate”
       Update = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/DugisGuideViewerZ/Objectives.lua:397
       hasSkippedBlocks = false
       AddBlockOffset = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:642
       FreeLine = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:292
       blockType = “Frame”
       FreeBlock = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:243
       OnLoad = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:103
       buttonOffsets = <table> {
       contentsAnimHeight = 0
       BeginLayout = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:137
       SetStringText = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/B

        Could you please try disabling all addons except dugi gudies?

        I spent 3.5 hours today recording more emerald dream questlines, majority of them are exactly this ‘some goal (100%)’, with a progression bar, all of which were completed without any .lua errors/taints.

          The only addon I am using is Dugi Guides.  I will purge WTF and clean re-install.

            Okay, I would just use the Dugi Installer and click on Settings and click Repair.

              How did you go? Did you get it working?


                I’ve been away.  I just updated to the 9.0.42 release.  There is a major issue that I will create another post for.  I will also test out the completion issue.


                  I have done some questing and while I am not receiving the crash error any longer, the guide freezes on 100% completion quests.  I don’t notice it right away and then wonder why the guide steps aren’t advancing.  I then /console reloadui, the guide immediately spins and progresses.  The questing was in Shadowlands and now in Dragonflight.

                    Any screenshots or Videos to show the issue?
                    All my tests so far don’t show any of this. I also use a recorder for these guides which is unstable by itself and yet still not doing what your describing, though now and then in dungeons or using some steps in existing guides it does exactly what you describe. Which is caused by the recorder active, but it’s not the addon that’s the cause in this instance.
                    If you can provide videos and or screenshots to illustrate this issue, it could help identify what’s going on etc.

                      It has happened again, this time producing an error window.  This error was encountered upon reaching 100% completion doing the “Dijaradin Defenses Disrupted” quest. – Edit:  I also just noticed that the lua line numbers in this error appear to be the same as I previously reported.  This issue has to be related to a guide configuration as I am not running any other addons and the installation was clean with a WTF folder purge.
                      -<removal of spam> Edited by Ozzi-


                        Have you tested with a different guide?

                        Wheres a screenshot or video as I previously asked for?
                        Is there a way to replicate this, if known?
                        I need more info, a screenshot or video would be great because that would at least point me in the right direction. I am not a magician and can’t pull a rabbit out of a hat, at least that’s how it feels when requests are ignored.

                          The issue is not specific to one guide.  The error just happened again on the “Slay Fyrakk’s Forces” completion quest.  Same exact error, completely different zone and guide.

                          As frustrated as you may be, I am simply trying to help make the guide better for everyone.  Your response was uncalled for.


                            mag046 said:

                            Your response was uncalled for.

                            Really? wow, and you think you are helping. :smh: your other thread, yes, I agree, you did help. In this thread, well, where do I start?
                            1. I am unable to replicate this taint of yours
                            2. I asked for a screenshot and you ignored me in this comment of mine
                            3. looking at your responses the only person frustrated here is you
                            If you took offense to me saying “I am not a magician and can’t pull a rabbit out of a hat” I stated truth and I don’t aplologise. In this whole thread you expect who ever is helping you is a magician or rather to stab a knife in the dark. There’s little to no information to do anything with, and requests are ignored.
                            I have been looking throughout this thread and reading and rereading my recent reply, it looks like you responded to it in a negative way. I believe I am not out of place here.
                            Just a little reminder here, you have no authority over me, you are not entitled with these guides in anyway. I am here trying to help you, it seems to me that you don’t really want my help at all, or more to the point that you posted “here’s an error, go fix it” attitude going on. It appears more likely that you have no interest in participating in any aspect of my inquiry.

                            mag046 said:

                            What am I looking at?
                            I see that you are on Slay Fyrakk’s Forces (100%), It’s already established that I am on the same page for the type of quest you mean.
                            Confused with the circle around the waypoint..
                            This is exactly what I mean, it looks like you provided a screenshot because you were asked to provide one. Regardless if it would help or not, in this case, complete waste of my time to look at this .. what ever it is.

                            What I have done since replying to this thread.

                            1. Spent my time trying to get that taint to show, more specifically with quests that are like “kill rats (100%)”.
                            2. I used 3 computers and 1 laptop. (third computer using linux, I don’t want windows on that computer) all of which gave nil taint.
                            3. I tried with only DugiGuides enabled and some other random addons to mix things up.
                            4. I tried my taint script with only DugiGudies and my addons running and nil taints.
                            5. I used another character and tried some of the quests you pointed out in this thread and nil taint errors.
                            6. I ensured that I had cvars enabled and had buggrabber and bugsack enabled with nil taints.
                            I just want some cooperation even if what I ask sounds absurd to you, this is how I do things, if you don’t like it then I can close this thread and be done with it.


                            Lets start over, is this character specific? in other words, does this happen on one character or multiple? Might be a clue if it’s only one character on one account.
                            When you say “the installation was clean with a WTF folder purge” how do you purge your wtf folder?
                            Have you tried with nil addons running? The clue here is “Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua”
                            As Blizzard calls it “UI Reset” by deleting “WTF, Cache & Interface” folders as described on the knowledge base, certain CVars are stored server side and will be restored from the server after deleting WTF folder. You’ll need to use the following command
                            /console cvar_default
                            After hitting enter, you may get an error saying that “you don’t have permission to perform that function”, don’t worry, that UI error message is normal, it tries to reset some protected CVars but proceeds to work fine for the other CVars.
                            Don’t use this command all the time, this should only be used as a last resort.

                            I do suspect this is a CVar issue though.

                            1. Load into World of Warcraft, select the character and load into the game.
                            2. type above command in the chat.
                            3. Click okay on the error that appears.
                            4. wait another minute, then exit the game completely.
                            5. Delete WTF, Cache & Interface folders.
                            6. Load back into World of Warcraft.
                            7. Exit the game and install DugiGuides.
                            8. Test the game out by trying those Kill Squirrels (100%) quests.
                            Please post back with the findings, either you still get taint error message or its gone.

                            I do not want to see any attitude or talk backs, soon as I see them this thread will be closed and deleted 24hrs after closure.


                            I have been having the same problem on all my charactors for a long time now every time there is a quest that has a fill bar it does not go away after you have comleted the quest i have to quit wow and reload i dont get any error text just that locking up duiguides


                              neilh47 said:

                              I have been having the same problem on all my charactors for a long time now every time there is a quest that has a fill bar it does not go away after you have comleted the quest i have to quit wow and reload i dont get any error text just that locking up duiguides

                              Can you please try with no addons enabled, if it persists please try the cvar command line by following the listed instructions above.
                              please report back with findings, either they go away after disabling dugiguides or they persist, if they do persist and you ran that command, how did it go?
                              I very much want to find a solution to this.


                                Ozzi said:

                                mag046 said:
                                What am I looking at?
                                I see that you are on Slay Fyrakk’s Forces (100%), It’s already established that I am on the same page for the type of quest you mean.
                                Confused with the circle around the waypoint..
                                This is exactly what I mean, it looks like you provided a screenshot because you were asked to provide one. Regardless if it would help or not, in this case, complete waste of my time to look at this .. what ever it is.

                                What you are looking at is the exact issue.  It was staring me in the face the entire time.  As you can see in the screenshot I provided:

                                1.  The guide crashed, and didn’t advance.
                                2.  The arrow did advance.

                                The issue can be reproduced by unchecking ‘Dugi Arrow’ -> ‘Icon Arrow’.  Leaving ‘Dugi Arrow’ -> ‘Icon Arrow’ checked, the guide proceeds successfully.

                                Your suggestions had no effect on resolving the issue.

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