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  • #164404

      Hey Dugi, or anyone else that’s run into this and has a solution… I’ve had this problem with the Classic guide since I tried it and then bought it (I am a member from like 2007 or something… a long time ago, long enough that I have legacy until 2030 or something. Anyway, I’ve tried everything I can think of to eliminate this problem and still haven’t solved it. The problem is that some of the different parts of the in game guide won’t remember their placement on the screen between play sessions. I have to re-set them where I want them every time I log in.

      Those parts are the zone map (which I have un-merged with the arrow) and the quest watch part. Not sure, but I think this also applies to the model viewer which seems not to be attached to the quest watch window unless I place it there. I’m not sure because I haven’t really needed it during Classic. Anyway, I’ve tried using the guide with no other addons installed. I tried resetting everything by deleting WTF, Cache, and Interface folders, and with those two things I haven’t had success in getting the guide to act like it should in relation to this.

      Also, the guide doesn’t seem to take into account finishing quests ahead of schedule and turning those quests in except to tick them off as done. Any tick boxes in the guide that are about telling you where to go don’t get ticked when I finish a quest ahead of time. If you like I can try to record the main problem I listed here and post the video of the results. Thanks to anyone who can or will help. 


        Hi yes can you if you can provide video it would help alot, 

        it should be working, have you tried repair button (from installer settings) and reinsall?


          I’ll try the repair and if that doesn’t work I’ll make a video and post it.

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