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  • #164642

      Flight points are no longer red when you choose where to fly for quests.  I use to arrive at the flight manager and the flight point needed would be red.  It doesn’t do this anymore.

      I choose a point for to have the quickest routes and I have to again choose the point after load screens.

      I type in quests I am on in search and they are not found.  I know they are part of a quest line in a guide.

      I believe it is hard to find guides anymore.  Winterspring frostsaber says it is under achievements.  I typed for search several times and found nothing until I went through myself and had to find it.

      Guides running in circles.  I was in New Dalaran and it had me go through the portal to Orgrimmar and come back through the portal to Azuna and fly back to Dalaran.  I have seen this one a lot.

      When picking a way point in Draenor form the Garrison usually in other areas I get 10K+ Dugi errors that continue to run until I /reload.


        The flight points are working for us, can you test with only dugi enabled. 

        Garrison waypoints are no longer possible because Blizzard changed it to Dungeon type map, it breaks the taxi system as a result, we don’t why they did this. 

        I checked and the search bar seems to be working, you need to type Wintersaber for the guide not winterspring.  

        can you post the errors that you’re receiving. 

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