- This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
May 18, 2019 at 5:18 am #163981Build 8.721Dugi Addon
- Fixed Nameplates tracking alignment
- Fixed Model viewer bug
- Fixed clear guide to not clear “Recent Guide” list
- Fixed achievement detection
May 31, 2019 at 7:09 pm #165680I am having issues with the addon highly taxing my system I run 100+ fps without the addon enabled, But as soon as I enable dugi’s my frames drop way down to under 10.
June 1, 2019 at 12:11 am #165681mtndew said:I am having issues with the addon highly taxing my system I run 100+ fps without the addon enabled, But as soon as I enable dugi’s my frames drop way down to under 10.It might be a conflict with another addon, can you try testing with only Dugi enabled.
can you try testing with a brand new character.
If you can provide step by step on how to replicate the issue we should be able to fix it
June 1, 2019 at 1:42 pm #165683Okay lets see.
I did a experiment with a lvl 1 orc. ran from starting point all the way to org. started with just dugiviewer enabled, I was not getting any fluctuation so I enabled each addon I always have active one by one along the way. Memory use of Dugis at start was 35.19MB with 160+ fps and standing in Org at the end with all addons running dugis running 39.59MB 110fps.Next experiment I used lvl 112 mage alliance. Started in Boralus took boat to Anglepoint Wharf just Dugis running started around 39 to 40.89MB 160+ fps along the boat ride the MB kept climbing even after arriving and standing on the dock memory continues to rise as I type this out I am at 222MB atm still climbing down to 15fps. Repeat just Dugis enabled.
June 1, 2019 at 10:30 pm #165685mtndew said:Next experiment I used lvl 112 mage alliance. Started in Boralus took boat to Anglepoint Wharf just Dugis running started around 39 to 40.89MB 160+ fps along the boat ride the MB kept climbing even after arriving and standing on the dock memory continues to rise as I type this out I am at 222MB atm still climbing down to 15fps. Repeat just Dugis enabled.Do you have any guide loaded or anything?
June 2, 2019 at 1:18 am #165686Yes, have the Leveling -> Bfa -> Drustvar guide. Also tried in Legion with the Legion -> Leveling -> Class campaign. Flew from Dalaran to Thunder Totem.
I did additional experiments switched to horde mage with horde leveling guide selected did flight, had no problem. then selected alliance warlock boated from same place to place as I did with the first alliance mage Boralus to Anglepoint. no problems. The only variable I see are the realms. Whisperwind.
addition just did a little run around with a lvl 1 on Whisperwind alliance same realm and faction. I am baffled why I am having trouble on what looks like just this one character. Never put time in playing the others beside doing a travel. gonna delete all info I have from troubled Character i have throughout my warcraft folder to see if fresh info there helps
June 2, 2019 at 1:48 am #165687I am just totally confused. I deleted character folder. logged onto a different character deleted “profile” in Dugis of mage. Logged Mage on with no addons… teleported to Stormwind loaded Guide selected starter zone elwynn forest flew ro westfall Memory usage climbed still
June 4, 2019 at 12:16 am #165689we though we fixed this a while back.
can you confirm that you are using the latest version, check in the addons menu (don’t rely on the installer)
June 4, 2019 at 3:43 am #165694Dugis 8.721
It is so strange I have tried different characters, with no problems. I even tried a trial character that i could start at level 110 of the same race on the same realm. no problem. Tested my troubled running wow from a different directory. e: instead of c:. still problem so I tried a character of the same class and faction but was lower level and had a BfA leveling guide selected no problem. Troubled character really does not matter which one is loaded.
115 VE mage – whisperwind PROBLEM
trial 110 VE priest whisperwind – no problem seen
1 orc warriar – Aegwynn no problems seen
116 orc mage, 115 VE lock – Andorhal no problems seen
31 NE mage – greymane no problems seenJust used daughters computer DLed wow update and installed dugi. tested same
June 5, 2019 at 8:58 am #165697what spec is your VE mage? if you spec your Orc Mage the same does it have the same problem?
June 5, 2019 at 9:11 am #165699the spec of my mage is both arcane and frost yes it happen*(ed)* on both.
I was getting so frustrated that I was doing a lot of research and came across FPS issues in the old forums. This post right here sounded so familiar to my situation.I had castsequence macros in my character personal list:
#showtooltip/cleartarget [dead]/targetenemy [noharm]/castsequence reset=target Slow, Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast. Arcane Blast, Arcane Barrage, Arcane Missilesplus one for frost
Removed these macros and I am doing ok hitting at the most 41mb usage in previous tested areas
June 7, 2019 at 10:19 am #165705yes that’s right, I forgot about the macro. we never did discover why some people had success with deleting the macros.
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