• This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Ozzi.
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  • #165191

    This is for version 3.005 (or whatever version is available on this date).

    STV: Have had to skip STV this time around b/c the guide fails to adjust to certain quests not being available.
    Navigation: There are many waypoints that are off completely. A good place to start would be SW npcs and the SW flightmaster. Also,  not sure of the Menethil Harbor/SW boat change has been reflected yet.
    Navigation: Navigation for dungeons is often messed up, notably for gnomergan. When you walk in to gnomer, it says to hearth to ironforge or something like that.
    UI bugs: The model viewer will often not show/show correctly, and the guide often bugs out and loses collapsibility and/or the arrow.
    I have noticed the severe problems with jumping around in the guides starting at around 40.


      Could you please provide a brief video outlining / demonstrating the issues?
      I’d like to look into what’s going on to figure out what’s causing it, and so on. It’s not because I don’t believe you.
      You can use OBS Studio to record a short .mp4 and then upload it to YouTube as a private video and post the share URL into this thread. After we resolve this issue, you may delete the video at any time.


        I can help! Yesterday i was leveling on my priest and had to get “Cask of Merlot” from Roberto Pupellyverbos in Trade District, but, the waypoint was way off and wanted me to to the stockades instead… This is just one of the many waypoints errors currently existing…


          warbam said:

          I can help! Yesterday i was leveling on my priest and had to get “Cask of Merlot” from Roberto Pupellyverbos in Trade District, but, the waypoint was way off and wanted me to to the stockades instead… This is just one of the many waypoints errors currently existing…

          Could you please tell me which wow client and guide you’re using?


            tbc/wotlk classic, Westfall (12-17)


              Thank you; I will look into it.

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