Hello Dugi & friends,
I’ve leveled up a 2x level 60 toons! And I’ve found & faced several errors or outdated steps in the Horde guide(s).
This thread will be filled up the issues I will face. Atm I’m leveling a horde toon again: Undead mage, so I will update this thread as much as I can, so Dugi can fix it 
26-12-2019: Step 40 = Boulderslide Ravine

When hover over the mob it says: Resonite Crystal: 0/10, I’ve killed tons but they don’t drop the quest items!

You rly need to mine/ interact with the purple Crystals!
SUGGESTION: Stonetalon Mountains (20-22) – Step 56: Zoram’gar Outpost

Before you go to Zoram’s outpost and take the Flight point, go to the Splinterrtree Post first to take the flight point for future purpose.

Stonetalon Mountains (20-22) – Step 60: Naga at the Zoram Strand
NO: Wrathail Wave Rider, Wrathail Sorceress, Wrathail Sea Witch neither Wrathail Razortail are trolls according the Model viewer!
Macros are fine, just the modelviewer need to be corrected 
Stonetalon Mountains (20-22): Finished! So far every issues I’ve reported in this thread it’s hand-made / leveled: CHECKED