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  • #164615
      I just submitted a ticket but maybe this should have been posted here if so please disregard the ticket.

      OK so I am a level 16 when I noticed it 17 now. I have tested with just the guide enabled and I have deleted DugisGuideViewerZ.lua and also DugisGuideViewerZ.lua.bak. I have also tried /dugi fix (that is awesome BTW) So weird problem on one hunter all works great he is level 11. On this hunter I get a new item and nothing happens. Now if I weapon swap to a lower weapon that makes (I assume) the script run. Then it will check my items first and recommend the best armor items then tell me to switch my weapons back. Hey it works but not sure what I did to mess it up. I hoped deleting DugisGuideViewerZ.lua would reset everything and fix it. I have also tried updating the guide but I have not removed and reinstalled it which is my next step. Any ideas? Any other files I should upload or screen shots?

      Working Hunter Hathornox
      So so working Noxhathor
      Yes I should be more original at naming. :)

        I should also mention that I am running Installer version 1.5.0 and Classic guide version 1.132.


          Not sure if this makes a difference but the item it wants me to use is the “Blump Family Fishing Pole”. I just got a better weapon and it still prefers the “Blump family Fishing Pole” (5.7 DPS). I just got the “Curvewood Dagger”(7.0 DPS) I would think the dagger would be the way to go.

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