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  • #165204

    My fresh install of WoW Classic with the only addon installed is Dugi gets stuck when my toon logs in at 16%
    The Dugi tutorial cant be skipped or progressed either.


      Ensure that World of Warcraft Classic is not running, also, ensure that is not running as well.
      Open your Dugi Guides installer, click on the Settings button and ensure that your Dugi Guides website username and password is correctly entered and then click on the Okay button.
      The Dugi Installer will do another scan, as it is doing that, ensure that you see Welcome, wubbitss
      If it doesn’t already start downloading, click on reinstall button.
      Run the game and check to see if it’s fixed the issue, if it hasn’t, please report back and we shall try something else.


      Hello Ozzi,
      I followed the steps listed and conformed my account details in the app, can see the welcome message and it shows the correct guides.  Pressed the reinstall button and after that completed started and then Wow classic.
      It still sits at the same ‘loading Dugi guides 16%’


        It’s looking like a corrupt file in your Saved Variables, though reinstall was done, that won’t resolve this issue.
        Ensure that World of Warcraft and is not running.
        Open Dugi Installer, click Settings and then click Repair. That will completely uninstall all Dugi Guides files and reset’s Dugi Guides saved variables. Click on Okay button and then Okay button once again, then click Reinstall if it doesn’t do it automatically.


        I gave that a shot,  The Dugi installer did come up with an error when I pressed the repair button about not finding the install path.
        The install path is correct.  When I press ‘OK’ the repair function does remove the Dugi addon folder.  It then gets re installed back on the main Dugi screen.
        Start up WoW classic again and its still stuck on 16%.


        Out of curiosity I tried the Dugi installer without my user creds & ran another repair.
        This time when I load WoW classic it got to 59%.
        Put my account info back in, reinstalled Dugi, stops at 16%.
        Is there somewhere outside of the Wow folder that the Dugi installer saves info to?


          I think you’re installing classic file into TBC version 

          classic path should be 

          C:World of Warcraft_classic_era_


            ahh see, I have overlooked that, thanks @Dugi

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