Writing old guides based on the wowhead ones0Comments This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 10 months ago by Ozzi. Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total) Author Posts May 18, 2022 at 3:15 am #165147 elendilParticipant I was thinking it would be very awesome to have a comprehensive guide per expansion. This for new or returning players to catch up on most of the expansion. This could include all quests, dailies, achievements etc from that expansion. Some nice inspirations I would suggest from these guides.A Few Hours in Azeroth: Farming Vanilla Mounts and Pets – Guides – WowheadA Week in Shattrath: Farming Outland Mounts and Pets – Guides – WowheadA Fortnight in Dalaran: Farming Northrend Mounts and Pets – Guides – WowheadA Month in the Maelstrom: Farming Cataclysm Mounts and Pets – Guides – WowheadA Season in the Mists: Farming Pandaria Mounts and Pets – Guides – WowheadA Graduality in your Garrison: Farming Draenor Mounts and Pets at Max Level – Guides – Wowhead Putting these guides inside dugi guides and making it an automated system would really make dugi outstand any guides May 18, 2022 at 6:18 am #170308 OzziParticipant elendil said: I was thinking it would be very awesome to have a comprehensive guide per expansion. This for new or returning players to catch up on most of the expansion. This could include all quests, dailies, achievements etc from that expansion. Some nice inspirations I would suggest from these guides.A Few Hours in Azeroth: Farming Vanilla Mounts and Pets – Guides – WowheadA Week in Shattrath: Farming Outland Mounts and Pets – Guides – WowheadA Fortnight in Dalaran: Farming Northrend Mounts and Pets – Guides – WowheadA Month in the Maelstrom: Farming Cataclysm Mounts and Pets – Guides – WowheadA Season in the Mists: Farming Pandaria Mounts and Pets – Guides – WowheadA Graduality in your Garrison: Farming Draenor Mounts and Pets at Max Level – Guides – Wowhead Putting these guides inside dugi guides and making it an automated system would really make dugi outstand any guides Majority of these are inside Mounts and Pets, DugiGuides does update these per: Expansion release. Patch release. Making standalone guides like the old vendor guides will be tedious and time consuming. However, there’s nothing stopping you to make your own personal guides, this thread will help https://www.dugiguides.com/discussions#/discussion/1244/personal-guide-how-can-i-write-one Author Posts Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total) You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Log In Username: Password: Keep me signed in Log In