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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
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  • in reply to: Retail Build 9.0178 #170270
      Hello, there is a small bug with the application it indicates newest 9.0177 and therefore does not install the 9.0178 update on the other hand with a repair it installs the 9.0178 version but continues to indicate Newest 9.0177.

      in reply to: Constant lua errors regarding maputils #169872

        hello the error is still present in version 3.016.

        in reply to: Constant lua errors regarding maputils #169849
          the error is still present in version 3.015.
          only solution disabled Map Tracking.
          in reply to: Constant lua errors regarding maputils #169838

            i play horde too

            in reply to: Constant lua errors regarding maputils #169830

              Message: InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:471: thread_UpdateTrackingFilters:
              InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZMapUtils.lua:358: HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0-Dugis: AddWorldMapIconMap: ‘uiMapID’, ‘x’ and ‘y’ must be numbersDetailed stack:
              [string “=[C]”]: in function `error’
              [string “@InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLibsHereBeDragons-1.0HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0.lua”]:763: in function `AddWorldMapIconMap’
              [string “@InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZMapUtils.lua”]:358: in function `PlaceIconOnWorldMap’
              [string “@InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua”]:1358: in function <…erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua:1258>

              Time: Thu Oct 13 20:56:27 2022
              Count: 26
              Stack: InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:471: thread_UpdateTrackingFilters:
              InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZMapUtils.lua:358: HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0-Dugis: AddWorldMapIconMap: ‘uiMapID’, ‘x’ and ‘y’ must be numbersDetailed stack:
              [string “=[C]”]: in function `error’
              [string “@InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLibsHereBeDragons-1.0HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0.lua”]:763: in function `AddWorldMapIconMap’
              [string “@InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZMapUtils.lua”]:358: in function `PlaceIconOnWorldMap’
              [string “@InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua”]:1358: in function <…erfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZWorldMapTracking.lua:1258>

              [string “=[C]”]: ?
              [string “=[C]”]: in function `assert’
              [string “@InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua”]:471: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:458>
              [string “@InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua”]:572: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZLuaUtils.lua:544>


              version 3.014 the error is still there

              in reply to: Consistent error when looting or ticking a quest step #169816
                the solution proposed in this post should work it seems to be the same error

                desactivate “world map tracking” option should solve the problem while waiting for another solution.

                in reply to: Constant lua errors regarding maputils #169814

                  version 3.012 the error is still present and the error counter goes up faster than before on my side , it seems its happening in Northrend only , when I’m on  Eastern Kingdoms Zones or Kalimdor Zones I don’t have the error. With the world map tracking option activated but with the minimap options (see image) deactivated I do not have the error either.

                  if I reactivate one of these options the error reappears so the fastest way to not have the error is to deactivate the “world map tracking” option.
                  sorry if we notice that addons are activated on the image (but even on a clean installation with just dugi activated and no other mods installed the error occurs).

                  in reply to: Constant lua errors regarding maputils #169810

                    the error is still present in version 3.010.

                    in reply to: Constant lua errors regarding maputils #169799

                      Hello for me the error is still present if I reactivate the “world map tracking” option I tried a complete reinstallation of the add on and I also tried to install the add on on a fresh installation of the game the error is still present (latest version of the add on) but disappears if the option is deactivated (at least in my case)

                      in reply to: Constant lua errors regarding maputils #169772

                        yes ,I disabled this option and I don’t get the lua error that is displayed (I am French I switched my game to English so that the add on is in English, to use the right words) (and I used /reload)

                        in reply to: Constant lua errors regarding maputils #169769

                          as indicated on another post I also have this error, I deactivated the option which allows to display the points of interest on the map this seems to have solved the problem for the moment (checked I was able to play just one hour but I didn’t get the error)

                          in reply to: Gear Advisor issues in Wrath #169768

                            I noticed this a long time ago if you copy the profile (after having configured the add on on a character) so as not to have to redo everything this also copies the gear advisor part (so you have to reset it and put the good ones back , parameter for your class) to do this, simply go to the gear advisor and choose the spec of your class from the list. This should be isolated from the parameters (so that you can copy the general parameters of the add on without this copies the gear advisor part,that would be a good option to add.)

                            in reply to: Lua issues with launch of WoTLK #169763

                              exact same error for me

                              in reply to: Update Build 8.744 #165883

                                my problem and fixed I had not the good version thank you very
                                much (and it seemed to be the case for a while amazing that I did not
                                have any trouble before)

                                in reply to: Update Build 8.744 #165872

                                  Hello I have this error that appears and comes in a loop with 8.743

                                  Message: InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModelViewer.lua:534: attempt to call global 'Model_OnUpdate' (a nil value)

                                  Time: Wed Jun 26 09:05:37 2019

                                  Count: 1201

                                  Stack: InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModelViewer.lua:534: attempt to call global 'Model_OnUpdate' (a nil value)

                                  InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModelViewer.lua:534: in function <InterfaceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZModelViewer.lua:532>

                                  Locals: self = DugisGuideViewer_ModelViewer {

                                  0 = <userdata>

                                  scrollRight = DugisGuideViewer_ModelViewer_ScrollRight {


                                  scrollTitle = DugisGuideViewer_ModelViewer_Title {


                                  model = DugisGuideViewer_ModelViewer_Model {


                                  scrollLeft = DugisGuideViewer_ModelViewer_ScrollLeft {


                                  close = DugisGuideViewer_ModelViewer_Close {



                                  elapsedTime = 0.009000

                                  (*temporary) = nil

                                  (*temporary) = DugisGuideViewer_ModelViewer_Model {

                                  0 = <userdata>

                                  OnEnter = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:257

                                  modelId = "143381"

                                  defaultRotation = 0.610000

                                  OnMouseUp = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:222

                                  minZoom = 0

                                  PostMouseUp = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:214

                                  posX = 0

                                  OnMouseDown = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:234

                                  mouseDown = false

                                  OnUpdate = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:105

                                  posY = 0

                                  onMouseUpFunc = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrames.lua:35

                                  ResetModel = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:177

                                  OnMouseWheel = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:246

                                  OnLoad = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:68

                                  OnHide = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:268

                                  controlFrame = DugisGuideViewer_ModelViewer_ModelControlFrame {


                                  maxZoom = 0.700000

                                  OnEvent = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:83

                                  rotation = 0.610000

                                  PostMouseDown = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:218

                                  title = DugisGuideViewer_ModelViewer_Model_Title {


                                  OnLeave = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:261

                                  Init = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:80

                                  StopPanning = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:207

                                  StartPanning = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:185

                                  UpdateRotation = <function> defined @InterfaceSharedXMLModelFrameMixin.lua:87


                                  (*temporary) = 0.009000

                                  (*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'Model_OnUpdate' (a nil value)"

                                Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)