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  • cyclone701

      Dugi said:

      first statement in the post  🙂

      “this is what i get every 10 sec or some with new update and yes this error is coming with only your mod loaded


      sorry I missed that, I just can’t replicate this issue can you post screenshot is it on particular map ? 
      does it happen with all character? 

      ok after switching toons back and forth it does seem to be a mod conflict between Elvui and Dugi, i only get all the lua errors on on toon though which seems odd, but dugi and elvui are my 2 main mods so now i gota figure out if i am which one i am going to live with it or get read of one. They have never conflicted in the past, is there a any to revert dugi? also going to see if i can revert elvui… hmm sadly i do not think u can revert either

      Edit 1: my compromise for now is to /console scriptErrors 0 so the lua errors are not driving me crazy .. they still both work i just do not get green guide line in the compass map anymore since i updated elvui and dugi  :) the green guide line still shows up on main map and the tom tom like arrow still shows up on gui so i will live with it for now as i can not live with out either mod atm


        first statement in the post  🙂

        this is what i get every 10 sec or some with new update and yes this error is coming with only your mod loaded



          update i did get it to stop spamming the lua error by un-checking World Map Tracking

          in reply to: Dugi guides is loaded but not working at all in pre patch #169730

            OK SO, got it to work. i had to manually delete the folder out of the addons folder then for shits and giggles as I was giving my pc the middle finger I hit auto detect on your installer.. which I have never used for the last 3 years at all.. and it reinstalled the stuff and started working so shrug computer things want computer things done

            Thanks for responding Ozzi and this is a great mod so that’s why I was trying so hard to get it to work I swear by it!

            in reply to: Dugi guides is loaded but not working at all in pre patch #169729

              got this one after i uncheck the guide share:

              Date: 2022-08-31 15:46:17
              ID: 17
              Error occured in: Global
              Count: 1
              Message: …faceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZContextMenu.common.lua line 195:
                 attempt to call field ‘IsPlayerShareClient’ (a nil value)
                 [string “=[C]”]: IsPlayerShareClient()
                 [string “@DugisGuideViewerZContextMenu.common.lua”]:195: ShowMainMenu()
                 [string “@DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua”]:4306: OnOff_OnClick()
                 [string “*:OnClick”]:2:
                    [string “*:OnClick”]:1

              Looks the same with diff ID

              in reply to: Dugi guides is loaded but not working at all in pre patch #169727

                yes, twice so far 1 of switch cost me 3 hours as I got cought in the queue:
                I will ry to catch every error but this is 1 of them when i try to click the icon AFTER i type /dugi config to get it to show up

                Date: 2022-08-31 09:29:43
                ID: 13
                Error occured in: Global
                Count: 1
                Message: …faceAddOnsDugisGuideViewerZContextMenu.common.lua line 195:
                   attempt to call field ‘IsPlayerShareClient’ (a nil value)
                   [string “=[C]”]: IsPlayerShareClient()
                   [string “@DugisGuideViewerZContextMenu.common.lua”]:195: ShowMainMenu()
                   [string “@DugisGuideViewerZDugisGuideViewer.lua”]:4306: OnOff_OnClick()
                   [string “*:OnClick”]:2:
                      [string “*:OnClick”]:1
                in reply to: Dugi guides is loaded but not working at all in pre patch #169724

                  update: disabled all mods accept for dugi and still not working and throwing errors all over the place

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