Forum Replies Created
we will be working on the gear finder classic
guburatto said:yes, after pick like 10 quest itens it stops working…even if i reload the game it doesn´t this for classic or retail? can test with only dugi enabled
are you sure? I’m testing this and doesn’t seem to fail.
will require some sort of communication between our website and the addon itself, might be possible by displaying tickets in the installer as a start. I’ll discuss with our lead programmer.
I’ll fix that up thank you for reporting
I think we are missing those farming routes, I’ll add them in soon
we’re working on that
we don’t have any plan to bring it for classic at the moment.
absalam said:I just bought the Classic leveling guide. It recommends Westfall, but when I click it,nothing shows.Make sure you install the paid guide, enter your username and password in the installer and reinstall
May 30, 2020 at 12:02 am in reply to: Classic Bug Report: Tome of the Cabal (Warlock felhunter quest chain) #168070we’ll fix that up thank you for reporting
do you mean just normal questing? Tiragarde Sounds guide is in the leveling section for alliance only, for horde it is part of the War Campaign guide
yes, as above, disable both options
Hi can you open a ticket, make sure you install the paid guides by making sure you are logged in with your account with the Dugi installer and reinstall
hi i did response to your ticket, I can confirm the succubus quest line is at the beginning of level 20 guides for alliance 20_21_Darkshore and horde 20_22_Stonetalon_Mountains
you may have the head item in the ban list, so its not counting it
try clicking on the reset ban list button