Forum Replies Created
eychimo said:Doesn’t change the fact that I am constantly doing quest yellow and red to me.
so how do you suggest we fix this?
There are are just no other quests, it’s just how it is, do we need to tell you to do more grinding?
or do you think we’re skipping/not covering enough quests because we cover most of the quests that is possible for solo leveling
what are we missing? only other way to overcome the level difficulty is to boost it with dungeon, but you will need to
1. find a group,
2. run to to the dungeonall which consume time and sometime you’re better off camping and grinding in a good spot.
What you just described is WoW Classic, I don’t know what you expected and it would be a mistake to stop using a guide. I don’t think anyone bother to level profession as they level up other than first aid, its better to level up first.
We don’t manage your inventory in retail either because quest item doesn’t take up bag space. We can improve the guide to remind you to unload items into the bank but first thing first. This is additional hand holding that was never expected from a guide before.
kieran1188 said:its still effecting my fpscan you try deleting all your macro, every single one in General and Specific
test again and re-add your macros
before you do that can you take a screenshot of your macros frame and list them for us.
I’m looking at the code if you have the option disabled I’m not sure how it can switch your weapon, are you sure its dugi? can you test with only dugi enabled.
it’s not available yet, we are working on it
can someone take a screenshot of what they macro structure look like
screen shot of the /macro frame, general and specific
icchan841 said:Hey Dugi,i did see you asked to delete the macros – i would appreciate if you or any other memeber here tell me how to delete the Dugi Macros.
i did not create any macros on my own so if there are any, i guess the Dugi addon has some.We meant this to delete all your own existing macro in /macro every single one.
test it again
then re-add your macrosicchan841 said:
Hey Dugi,i am going to make this Long, VERY Long story short:
thank you for video its really helpful, we really want to fix this.
I’m sorry to ask you to record again, can you test again without any waypoints loaded, right click and select remove, will help us alot to narrow down the issue.
ok I figured out you need to turn in first I’ll fix the guide
Alliance version exist the guide is correct. right click on the item to accept the quest, its there.*****-shield to the latest version now and type /dugi fix
We made some changes try update to the latest version now and type /dugi fix
Make sure you are using the latest installer it should have a separate WoW Retail and WoW Classic install path can you do a video, can you only test with only Dugi enabled.
sorry about that, this is fixed.