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  • in reply to: Some questions about Dugi Classic… #166486

      1. It will, we’re still updating it. 
      2. it will. 
      3. not really, it’s something we can add. 
      4. Yes
      5. It will be added as part of world map tracking / find nearest, we’re still working on it. 
      6. Dungeon is planned at this stage as free update, we don’t have time to look into other guides just yet. 

      in reply to: Loyalty Members Have to buy Classic? #166485

        strato said:

           What kind of a response is this? So you disrespect a paying customer by calling him cheap? If he was cheap he would not be a loyalty customer. You stated everything for free. Loyalty means just the opposite in that he had to pay to become that. Where is your LOYALTY to the paying customer? I was on the fence about buying the classic. With your response I will now take my cheap money elsewhere. Please delete me from you business.


        in reply to: Loyalty Members Have to buy Classic? #166484

          dnmynatt said:

          “why are you so cheap and expect everything for free? we need to eat too. “

          I bought Dugi back when it was Classic, so now I have to buy it again? Really?
          I’ve put in quite a bit of money into this over the years and now you want to gouge long time members.

          You bought WoW Retail guide back when it was Vanilla which still available for you, WoW Classic is not the same. 

          in reply to: I buy classics, why is it a trial? #166483

            You don’t have trial, just reinstall the guide and check in the game. 

            in reply to: Loyalty Members Have to buy Classic? #166482

              If you want the WoW Classic Guide for free the answer is no. 

              Your WoW Retail guide is still there, its been updated all the to level 120 BFA for free for loyalty members and will again be updated again for the next expansion, this is what you paid for and what was promised. WoW Classic is not. 

              in reply to: Bug AutoRepair #166481

                this is fixed for next build 

                in reply to: Classic 1.013 FPS Drop #166480

                  still quite a mysterious bug because I still can’t replicate it after using various macros. 

                  can you try going Game Menu > System > Advanced  and disable Max Background FPS 

                  Its possible that the game can bug out and thinks that it’s in background mode and force lower fps 

                  in reply to: Classic Desolace (34-35) #166466

                    we’ll fix that up 

                    in reply to: Stone Talon Mountains (20-21) Step 35 Lost Barrens Kodo #166465

                      the guide is correct the item you mentioned is for Chen’s Empty Keg (2)

                      the kodo liver required is for Chen’s Empty Keg (3) 

                      just fyi this is not the same old vanilla guide. we are rebuilding the entire 1-60 guide, so it’s a lot better and more accurate than any old vanilla guide

                      in reply to: Classic – thousand needles (33-34) step 16 #166464

                        fixed again thank you 
                        you can just stick to your own thread, so it’s not so spammy if you end up posting heaps. 

                        in reply to: Classic – thousand needles (33-34) step 16 #166462

                          fixed for next build, thank you for reporting 

                          in reply to: Gnome’s Respite/ Stonetalon Mountains #166461

                            fixed for next build thank you for reporting

                            in reply to: Clarification Please #166460

                              $37US = $54.71AUD

                              You can choose to pay in USD so that it charges $37 USD and use your CC exchange rate. 

                              in reply to: dugi installer 1.4X closes itself #166455

                                it might crash due to restricted access perhaps because the files or folders are being used. 

                                1. make sure wow is closed, when you load the installer nothing else is accessing the files in the InterfaceAddOns folder. 
                                2. try rebooting the pc. 

                                in reply to: reconbobulation #166454

                                  not sure, I checked and the guide appears to be correct. 

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