Forum Replies Created
do you remember the name of the quests?
which flightmaster?
It’s a weird bug and we haven’t been able to replicate it or know how to fix it,
can you share the macro you were using
try deleting your all your macros (back them up in a text file) and use the guide without macros.
the annual won’t auto renew, there’s nothing to cancel
there’s a cancel link button the members area, left hand side
cb1112 said:One was getting kodo liver, but found out much later that it was part of the chen’s keg quest I think after I tried farming it for about 90 mins realizing I wasn’t high enough level to get the quest yet, but the guide had me in the zone. If I run into it again I will be sure to have specifics.That’s not right you the Kodo liver will drop if you have the quest in your log, it doesn’t matter what level you’re at. At that specific part of the guide you should have the quest in your log already.
thank you for reporting, this is fixed already in latest update
the annual is for WoW Retail, I see you purchase the WoW Classic, I’ll refund the WoW Retail purchase
cherylbaez said:Dugi – twice I have died while questing and when I recover my body (Level 9 in Mulgore) the direction arrow and directional pointer is no longer there. Also, I was working on MAzzaranche and have everything except the Plainstrider scale. The quest is telling me it is ready to turn in and I can’t because I don’t have all the items. I do have the other 3 required to turn in this quest. Just an might need to press the green button to get the arrow back, we’ll look into this
and fix fix the quest issue thank you
can you recall what quest it was or anything, I should just go through the entire barrens guide.
Hi WoW Classic requires a new purchase,
I don’t think you played Vanilla, it must have been Cataclysm at least. You can’t “Choose Zone” like that in WoW Classic. You will need to follow the guide and travel.
It’s not possible to do Westfall 11-18 unless you’re ok with grinding, running out of quests and dying a lot.
The travelling may seems like a waste of time at the beginning but it’s not because you don’t get a mount until Level 40 (that is if you have the 40g for it) and you will need to go to Kalimdor eventually multiple times to get to level 40, you can’t level in just one continent.
sorry about that fix for next build
fixed for next build, thank you for reporting