Forum Replies Created
maxhawk said:I manually copied dugiguides_1.4.5.exe to my laptop and it ran fine, properly picking up the installation directories for _classic and _retail, both of which are located in the same directory (as opposed to my desktop).
Try downloading and install the latest 4.8 net framework here said:An unhandled exception (‘System.Security.SecurityException’) occurred in DugiGuies_1.4.4.exe [10304]. Just-In-Time debugging this exception failed with the following error: No installed debugger has Just-In-Time debugging enabled. In Visual Studio, Just-In-Time debugging can be enabled from Tools/Options/Debugging/Just-In-Time.
Check the documentation index for ‘Just-in-time debugging, errors’ for more information.Are you still getting this error? make sure all Dugi installers are close (no old version in the background) and try loading it again, try rebooting pc.
Yes but it will require a one off purchase
I’m very sorry for the lack of updates, we have just been flat out working 24/7 to get this done. We’re looking to release new installer today to support classic and have the guides available for purchase today.
ok we found the error with the horde BFA inscription guide, this is fixed for next build
darkyle said:Dugi, when is the Classic guide scheduled to be available for purchase and download?
I would hope it’s at least a few hours before launch so it’ll be there when you log in for the first time.Will be available before launch, don’t worry
tarathat said:Will the classic update be on the installer, and the loyalty program?The installer will support wow classic soon. WoW classic wont be part of the loyalty program
jjyoung said:I’m most likely going to buy the classic. However, my leveling partner doesn’t have the money to spend for it. Are you going to have a non-guide version available like you do for retail, and will we be able to sync them?guide syncing wont be available at launch, but will add this feature later
jjyoung said:Will the Dugi Smart Set equipment management be in the Classic version? I find that to be really helpful while leveling to reduce time comparing stats.Yes it will, but not on release day as we didnt have enough time to work on the addon while the beta servers was up
it might be a phasing issue, try logging out then log back in otherwise you might need to open a ticket to speak with a gm
can you confirm that you are using the latest version?
can you post a screenshot, I tried loading all the profession guide and can’t replicate the issue
did you try typing /dugi fix
I have fixed your account, reinstall and try again
Please download this latest version to fix the issue
go to minimap tracking and untick rare npc tracking
hi we’re looking into this