Forum Replies Created
storkz said:@Dugi
Will you be ready for launch?
We will have the guide ready at least up to level 40 for both faction on launch day.
This is our top priority at the moment, and its quite a big task as we decided to rebuild the entire guide so that new features that didn’t use to be in our classic guide will work, like Model viewer, taxi system.
At the same time improving the guide routes as our original classic guide was too hard.
jjyoung said:Does this mean that you can purchase and use it even if you don’t have a subscription?That’s correct, classic price for classic wow
eagalis said:what about the people paying the montly subscription will this be included with it ?It won’t be included with the Subscription and will require a one off purchase
August 12, 2019 at 5:02 am in reply to: Guide 8.761 through app or Zip file looks like 8.672 in game #166047The install path for the installer is incorrect, and I think you’re also installing the zip file to the wrong folder manually. It’s likely you have multiple folders of wow installed.
1. Load the installer available here and click on the settings button.2. then click on the auto detect path button and click ok.3. if that doesn’t work then you need to manually correct the path.4. You can find the install path by loading your Battle net launcher and click on the Bnet icon on the top left cornerSelect Settings5. then cick Game Install/Update6. You will find the install path under Folder Used for Gameplayeg, so if your path is C:Program Files (x86)World of Warcraft_retail_then the paths should beInstall Path: C:Program Files (x86)World of Warcraft_retail_Launcher Path: C:Program Files (x86)World of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft Launcher.exeIf you’re using Anchored mode then do this
Go to Dugi Settings > Frames > Tick Move Objective Tracker.
otherwise disable Anchored Mode in Dugi Settings > Display
users often drag the arrow out of their screen accidentally, try typing /dugi reset to reset the frames positions or type /dugi fix
Sorry, for the trouble this should be fixed now
onibaba said:I too have noticed that the arrow isn’t working as it should. I did the dugi fix and it still didnt work and I dont have anything that could interfere with the smooth operation. Its only happened since the recent update, which for me is;8.761are you saying it’s missing completely? can you post a screenshot
can you test with only Dugi enabled.
Ok download latest update now, I bumped it up to 6
didn’t think anyone would need more than 4 would 5 be enough? otherwise there isn’t enough space on the bar.
found the issue fixed for next build
Fixed for next build thank you for reporting
that’s a weird glitch we’ll try do some test
hi we’ll look into this
It will be a one off fee, no subscription required for the wow classic, will announce more information closer to launch.