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  • in reply to: Classic Gear Advisor in 1.070 #167211

      Settings -> !Gear Adviser
      Make sure the Loot Suggestion Priority is set to your spec and that it’s at the top. Place the mouse cursor above the spec name so the green up/down arrow appear and move the spec to the top by clicking the green arrow. If the spec isn’t shown then add it from the drop down menu below.
      Beast Mastery
      Highest Vendor Price

      Using it on a lowbie Hunter atm. with 1.070 :)


        Hi @zion563
        In settings – !Gear Addviser, make sure your spec is shown on the Loot Suggestion Priority list. If it isn’t shown, then go to “Add” and select it in the drop down list and move it to the top by the green arrows (shown when cursor hoovers above the spec name)
        To make the prompt show, unequip a piece of gear and it should pop up :)

        in reply to: Separate guide and quest #167182

          Hello Icorbett38

          Try these steps:

          Rightclick the DG icon
          Click the settings wheel in the top of the window
          Click Display
          Where it say “Recommended Preset Settings” you’ll find a drop down menu. Click the downward arrow.
          It should say “Multi-step-Anchored” (what I use). Try the other ones and pick the one you like :)

          in reply to: Classic Build 1.066 #167155
            There are no grey quests in the Duskwood guide if you’re at the correct level (28-29) +/-. There are no grey quests in general if you’re at the correct level (only maybe one or two breadcrumb quests for a chain in the entire guide).
            You’re ahead of the guide, probably because of Dungeons, and need to change to a zone guide with green/yellow quests. If you’re only leveling by questing, you’ll never see a normal grey quest.
            in reply to: Classic – not obtaining high enough level #167150
              Not sure if you read this, but this is what happens in Classic and once you get higher, you will face even more grind between the guides. It’s normal. I’ll strongly encourage that you don’t let yourself fall behind. Grind/do Dungeons + Dungeon quests etc. Whatever you can to catch up before you switch guides. I myself try to kill as much as I can and if it’s not enough, I find grind spots and stay there until I ding (I don’t do Dungeons atm. so I’m usually faced with more grind than the typical player).
              @Tcahuzak luxury problem. I’d stay in that guide until everything turns grey. Read my link. As long as you’re still within 5 levels of the quests or they’re green (in most cases), they still give the same XP when you turn in. Just pull more mobs at a time if possible. Enjoy being OP for a bit. Or switch to a higher level guide, if they turn grey. You will catch up, unless you do Dungeons, so don’t worry.
              About to hit 2 x 60 and a couple of alts so far.
              in reply to: Ashenvale wow classic guide #167142

                Talk to Senani Thunderheart at Splintertree Post and see if she has a quest to complete “The Ashenvale Hunt”. She doesn’t have a ? above her head but the quest should be there and can be instant completed. Then you should be able to kill/loot the bird, kitty & bear.

                  Hi @chr1zz

                  If the quests are still Green/Yellow, then I’d click “not now” when the guide suggest pops up. If you already accepted, then just right click your current quest to open the guide window and pick the previous zone. If you already picked up a few quests in the new zone, then you may have to abandon them if the quest log gets full.

                  Currently I only use the “not now” option because I don’t do Dungeons atm.

                  You can always switch between zone guides. It’ll remember your progress.

                  in reply to: [Guide] Manual Installation guide by football #167132
                    in reply to: Quest “Chen’s Empty Keg” Not Able to Complete #167116

                      Yep you need to right click Chen’s Empty Keg in your inventory and accept the quest.

                      in reply to: Dugi Guide not loading in new version of classic #167058
                        No problems here. DG, Bnet & game fully updated. Installed Bagnon too. Other than the inventory mess compared to Adibags (yikes), it worked fine.

                        Dugi Guide 1.063
                        Bagnon 8.216
                        Game (EU)

                        in reply to: Loch modan missing quest steps #167003

                          I guess you’re a Night Elf since it isn’t offered in Teldrassil (1-12 Night Elf) or you picked the Night Elf startzone.
                          The guide should prob. skip/ignore it if one doesn’t have the pre-quest from human/dorf startzones.

                          in reply to: Target button #167000
                            Haha never thought of that, when both are trying to set skull. I do avoid using it in certain groups though.
                            Regarding error messages, you can turn them off in the in-game settings:
                            ESC->System->Sound: untick “Error Speech”.
                            in reply to: Classic Build 1.051 #166928

                              Oh btw. it probably unbinds your mousewheel in wow’s keybinds. Sorry for forgetting that part.
                              Just left click minimap icon for SmartBuff and untick “Buff on scrollwheel up / down” and go to ESC->Camera and rebind Zoom in / Zoom Out again (with the scrollwheel).
                              It’s kinda silly that it does that without asking first. But hey it works. Love buffing groups now on my alt lol.
                              Hope it works out :)
                              The BG part .. blame google :D

                              in reply to: Classic Build 1.051 #166926
                                Alternative solution before I give up :)
                                • Supports weapon buffs (individual for main and off hand): Shaman, all poisons (Rogue), all stones and oils, incl. reagence check

                                (left click icon on the minimap and tick the poisons etc. that you want to use)
                                (works great together with SmartBuff, especially for Paladin buffing **** but not required)

                                Then either keybind the SmartBuff button or make a macro.
                                ESC->Other->SmartBuff: Trigger

                                /click SmartBuff_KeyButton
                                Then just spam the bind/macro until everything is applied.
                                PS: My empty vacuum cleaner is proof of me playing Classic lol.

                                in reply to: how to get the cinematics guide. #166920
                                  Have fun :)


                                  Click the blue lightning icon on the minimap
                                  Retail: Go to Media->Various->Cinematics->Choose a Cinematic
                                  Classic: Go to Media->Movies->Choose a Cinematic

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