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  • in reply to: [Guide] Manual Installation guide by football #166550
      Poor eyesight? Trouble finding the NPC or Target?
      1. ESC
      2. Keybinds
      3. Dugi Guides
      4. Bind Target Button to a mouse button or a keyboard key
      5. /reload ui (to prevent deletion of setting after a disconnect)
      OR if you prefer a drag-able icon
      1. ESC
      2. Macros
      3. General Macros (saved in in-game cloud and available on all characters)
      4. New
      5. Name it “dugi”
      6. Pick Hunters Mark as icon (or whatever you like)
      7. Copy/Paste: /click DugisGuideViewer_TargetFrame
      8. Save
      9. Drag it to the actionbar
      10. Exit
      11. ESC
      12. Keybinds
      13. Action bar or MultiActionBar (visible bars are Action Bar 1,5 & 6, MultiActionBar are 3,4)
      14. Bind a key to the action Button 1-12 or Right Action Button 1-12 with a mouse button or a keyboard key (bottom or right, where ever you want it to be)
      15. /reload ui (to prevent deletion of macro after a disconnect)
      in reply to: Launcher shows me as trial user despite buying classic guide #166549
        in reply to: Bug using classic guide or using wrong? #166528
          Edit: Didn’t see your second post. Anyways. A 37 quest is typically able to be picked up at lvl 32+, so that’s probably not the reason why you can’t pick it up. Read below.
          It could be a breadcrumb quest from another zone leading to STV or a quest chain that started in an earlier zone that you’re missing. Or something Dugi needs to fix ::smile:
          It’s easily temporarely fixed.
          You can right click the pickup quest in the tracker to open the Guide window. Find the quest not available and double tick until there’s a read X in the box. It’ll then skip the quest+pre/follow ups. and the guide should point you to the next doable quest.
          This is also how you skip a quest you don’t want to do (Example: Hogger).

          in reply to: Some questions about Dugi Classic… #166519
            Addon: “Better Vendor Price”.
            Shows price on: item, current stack, full stack.
            I like it *Better* (hehe) than the “Vendor Price” addon.

            in reply to: will i get banned for using the target npc custom script #166505
              It’s just a standard warning when loading scripts in wow for the first time. Macros can trigger the warning too. It’s a good thing. You should be aware where you get your addons from.
              The script is just a macro and it can only do what the API allows. No automation is being done.
              Dugi Essentials has been available on curseforge (now owned by Twitch) for many years: and there are strict rules that the addon’s has to follow the API and Blizzard TOS (Terms of Service).
              PS. From what I read and what made Blizzard start posting the warning, was because of a user made custom script for Weak Aura that made it possible to stand near a mailbox and unknowingly send gold without the players knowledge. This was fixed years ago by the Weak Aura devs. and I believe Blizzard made changes to the API too so it’s not possible anymore.
              Also I’ve been no lifing it here since 2008 :)
              To your question. Yes it’s 100% safe. No bans ever.
              in reply to: Classic 1.013 FPS Drop #166474

                I think you just need to delete it “/reload ui” and then make it again. Not sure.

                in reply to: bugs bugs bugs #166472
                  That quest is not a part of the Wetlands guides and it’s not in any of the Wetlands guides.
                  It’s part of the Hillsbrad Foothills (31-32) guide.
                  Pick the guide you were working on and if necessary , click the red buttons in the guide window “reset – reload” to get back on track (you may have to manually tick the travel steps – usually one or two).
                  When the guide suggest window pops up, make sure you click “not now” as clicking the “go to” accidentally can mark the zone as complete. It’ll stil go to the next chapter.
                  in reply to: Classic Build 1.015 #166471
                    Had the same with another item in the tracker. Resolved with a mouseover.

                    in reply to: “Classic-guide” Elwynn Forrest and Westfall issues #166433
                      Short answer: Trust the guide. It’s based on many years of practice and experience. The recommended lvl’s are correct as the zones are designed to be done in several stages. Example. The last part of Redridge has 27-28 mobs. One of the first quests is a lvl 15 pickup “Redridge Goulash”. The pigs are around lvl 18. They charge and they hurt. Would it make sense doing Redridge before lvl 18? Nope, Loch Modan as an example has easy fast completed quests and hardly any competition. It’s all about efficiency and being able to solo and “speed level”.
                      Long answer: Westfall is terrible for leveling. It’s possible but it will be time consuming and frustrating for a lvl 12. It’ll be a lot of grinding and chasing pigs, wolfs & condor’s all over the map, where you’ll run into orange and red mobs. Defias and especially Harvesters will eat you alive. Immune, non tauntable & nets, ranged that hurt .. and Murlocs. These run in packs and you’re going to have to ride the edge and pick them one by one and wait for spawns. Level 19 Dust Devils says hello. They are the Fel Reavers of Westfall and always seem to come when you least expect them. There’s a reason speed levelers always avoid this zone ;)
                      You’re eventually going to have to travel to Kalimdor and you’re going to need the Flightpaths. The guide knows this and later it also knows the shortcuts so you don’t have to do the long run. So when it directs you to a weird path through the mountains and tells you to jump down and die, It all makes sense when you spawn at the location and you’ve just saved 30 minutes of running.
                      You’re even told to do some quests while you run, because “always be questing”. It makes sense. Later you’ll thank the guide for making it easy to travel to Kalimdor, while your friends sit there and moan that they’re running out of stuff to do in their zone because it’s too hard :)
                      Have I done Westfall in the past? Sure. I’ve done all the zones. I know what to avoid like the plaque :D
                      in reply to: Silverpine Forest (Classic) #166412
                        Edit: Nvm. just saw your other post. You can contact Dugi here, if a guide is missing:

                        in reply to: A few of the guides are wrong #166407
                          I’ve got, on the char I’m playing and reporting on atm.:
                          [17] Onu (Speak with)
                          [18] The Tower of Althalaxx (hand in at “?”)
                          Ready to be handed in in the Darkshore (20-21) & Ashenvale (21-22) guide.
                          Are you clicking anything else than “Not now” when guide suggest pops up?
                          in reply to: Gold Schedule…. #166382
                            I even drop Hogger and the Armband quest if I have to spend too much time on it. Just red X them and continue. Time is money :)
                            Skipping is much safer in Vanilla. Just don’t do it often or you’ll be behind on XP for the next zone guide.
                            in reply to: Creating custom target marco #166381
                              I’m in queue atm. so can’t test, but I think this will work (source macros from 2018):
                              /target Dire Condor
                              /run SetRaidTarget(“target”, 8)
                              Changing 0-8 should change the Raid icons.
                              Maybe /run has to be /cast
                              Or you can go to keybinds and set the binds to select keys according to google ::smile:
                              in reply to: Creating custom target marco #166373
                                Dugi Target macro:
                                /click DugisGuideViewer_TargetFrame
                                Or go to ESC – Keybinds – Dugi Guides & bind a key to Target Button and while you’re in there, bind a key to Floating Item Button. Highly recommended ::smile:
                                in reply to: Classic Leveling Guide :) Launching this “Summer.” #166167

                                  I understand the Dugi Classic 1-60 Leveling Guide is a separate guide.
                                  I have a HUGE Question about the Dugi Classic Launch.

                                  Will this Dugi Classic 1-60 Leveling Guide clash or interfere with our original Level and Professional / Achievement Guides from the  Level 1- 60 guides that we already have installed ?

                                  No worries. It’s two seperate installs working independently of each other. You can delete addon/variables in one and it’ll have no affect in the other:
                                  :World of Warcraft_retail_ <- has its own cache/interface/WTF etc.
                                  :World of Warcraft_classic_ <-
                                  has its own cache/interface/WTF etc.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 75 total)