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  • in reply to: 9.1 Update(s) #169287

      Dugi said:

      Hi we just uploaded a new update today

      Dugi Many Thanks.  Your the Man ;D 

      in reply to: 9.1 Update(s) #169255

        I have no idea, how to get to korthia. I’m not even sure if I have completed any of the quest line or pre-req quests. Or even where to go to catch up.

        Really need some help Dugi, because going through sites like wowhead etc: can’t/don’t tell me what I done or what’s needed.
        I feel that I’m falling even further behind stuck in content whilst others are discussing the new zones and strategies of their next move in it, and no one seems to be able to tell me other than I need to complete the quest-line.

        It hasn’t helped that as a key worker, I’ve worked all through the pandemic and working shifts means I’ve been playing more casual than most. So I want to say thank you for your fantastic guides, as I do rely on them for getting the work done. 

        in reply to: Maldraxxus Guide #168434
          I believe some of the quests only become available when you unlock WQ’s.  I am assuming (because it happened to me in Ardenweald: guide 95% complete with no available quests).  I don’t think the quest lines are bugged, just probably some of the quests in the guide are slightly in the wrong place.  (Probably a change from the game/guide being tested in Beta to Retail).  you can X the quest to move on through the guide then un-select after the zone is completed, so you return when WQ’s are unlocked.
          in reply to: Current status of Dugi for Shadowlands? #168188

            Dugi, I’m a long time user of your excellent guide.  Just a slight confusion regarding your comment within this section.

            1). You say the Shadowlands guide  will be done on launch day, does that mean it’s ready for launch or will be available after launch has happened?  

            2). When will it be available to purchase? Can we pre-order so it’s available to download ASAP (hopefully before the launch so we can take advantage and dive straight in with no drama’s).
            in reply to: Gold academy? #168112

              I have just returned to WoW after having a few expansions off.  Only addon I feel I need is Dugi’s.  But I’m a little confused about some changes that’s happened since being away and now I returned..

              1) I’m really not sure of the difference between essential Guide and the normal Gold versions.
              2) The Gold academy has gone, I have no idea why or even if it’s going to return. (But it’s showing in my content list )

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