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  • I purchased the Classic Guide and I only have the guides of 1-12 lvls

    check your login and password and try reinstalling the guides. you should have wow classic listed in the installer on the left, as well as your name, as in the picture above.

    do you plan to play both classic and bfa? you’ve purchased classic guides. if you want bfa, get it here

    i guess, you just purchased classic guide, not the retail guide subscription, hence you don’t have that subscription, only first few levels are available on retail for free.

    in reply to: I can’t buy the Classic Guide. #166427

    Dugi said:

    It’s possible that your card is blacklisted for online purchase or high risk of chargeback

    obviously, there is no way for you to check, but i hardly ever used my card to charge back and it is used just fine on steam, and a few other stores, as well as my paypal account.
    i tried contacting online chat yesterday, they told me, they have no idea what’s wrong and adviced to email them. no answer so far:/
    i would prefer dugi, since i used it for years, but i’ve already purchased another gude, since it’s not going anywhere:/

    Also, I used to be subscribed till last month and clickbank had no problem taking my money monthly. You won’t even lose a customer, if that guide was included in subscription, but since I had no use in both guides, I’ve decided to cancel subscription and purchase a guide:/

    in reply to: I can’t buy the Classic Guide. #166391

    i can’t buy it as well:/ is there some option besides clickbank? please, just take my money! i hoped, it would resolve before i get to lvl 12, but no luck so far.

    in reply to: Network abuse detected by clickbank during checkout. #166329

    couldn’t purchase it as well. when I try using paypal, on clickbank, i press “pay now” and it redirects me to paypal. once i auth and press “pay now” on paypal, i get redirected back to clickbank, but nothing happens, i get into infinite loop of “pay now”s.
    I even tried using my bank card to pay, but it tells me “Your payment was declined. Please try another card or attempt to complete your purchase through PayPal”.
    I don’t have another card, but i’ve used it to get some other stuff today, so there is definitely something wrong with clickbank :/
    tried another browser and another computer, still no luck.

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