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  • i already did that after Dugi contacted me about my ticket, there have been some weird things when installing the guides the installer etc , i am already talking with Dugi about it, like teh installer saying i have  9.0166 and the newest one is 9.0165 :P

    hmm my list is a bit different from yours, but it has the loyalty members tag
    ,but the guide is showing up in the product page seems i will make a ticket with Dugi then.

    Thanx that did the trick

    1 small question though
    I am a loyal member, and can see every dugi expansion addon i have , but there no mentioning of teh drake expansion part of the Dugi guide there ?

    I thought i read  loyal members got that one for free ?
    but i can be mistaken its  so so so long ago that i last visited wow.

    in any case thx for the inside of getting the old  waypoint back, the enw one just creeps me out,it basically distracts me from looking on my screen because my eyes seem to involuntary  follow it lol

    in reply to: Blackfathom deeps (21-28) #168740

    np i know most people would just get past it and continue the quest it was not that heart to figure out how to proceed, but still i like guides to be 100% in case people like me still get confused, i am somebody that still gets lost even of i have a map in hand :P

    in reply to: Silithus witness the wounds (45) #168717

    extra data about this guide
    Multiple quest in guide are deemed obsolete as stated on the link in the above post
    didnt see it in time

    in reply to: class campaign possible double steps ? #168669

    AH i see, i hope there will be a solution to it  at one point, the reason i often open the large screen is  sometimes i need to quickly check if i missed something, and i can see lots more of possible follow up steps that way.

    So the program cant see witch version i have ?
    its okay I can live with it ,but sometimes it makes it a bit more complex.:3

    in reply to: Gear Finder not working in Shadowlands #168614

    well for me gear finder still gives options when there drops gear but completely wrong.

    i am wielding a 2h spear ,but still offers me a grey or white green collord 1h weapon with  total sucking stats.
    why would i change a spear doing  47-100+ damage for a  1h grey weapon that does 20 damage .

    i think gear finder needs to get  a update

    in reply to: cant continue with the nazjatar (50+) guide #168609

    oki after tinkering around with the quest i  went to natzajar  disbanded the quest then took it again  and after going to silithus i ended up at a woman named ZIDORMI

    and when i clicked her and said put me back to normal time i ended up in the original  empowerments room with the translocator ,so i guess  the problem is the separate time zones ,still cant click the translocator :P 

    am now busy try to do evry quest i see  here in silithus , i wish blizzard wouldent make so many changes evrytime lol its confusing 

    in reply to: cant continue with the nazjatar (50+) guide #168608

    small update to above message
    this us a screen from the quest itself with a bit of back ground  what i am seeing  maybe somebody can tell me what  part of the chain i am on :pensive:

    in reply to: cant continue with the nazjatar (50+) guide #168607

    ohh i see hmm oki you know best i gues having written these guides so played it over and over.

    but what about teh quest  “essential empowerment” that sends me from nazjatar to silithus. and i end up in the silithus chamber with the translocator ,but after i disband that quest  i end up somewhere different in silithus, could it be that  wow made a error in sending me there to early , so basically the quest  “essential empowerment”
    is a prequest for the  Hearth of Azerotht quest line ?

    Well i cant wait to see a guide for it , i would love to get on with my quests.
    thx for teh fast responce.

    On a small personal note

    can somebody tell me what i need to do in the dessert i end up with the crystals i can touch but nothing happens.

    in reply to: cant continue with the nazjatar (50+) guide #168601


    After searching on the net i decided to disband the quest then disable all addons and take the quest in nazjatar again by talking to bronzbeard again.
    Take the portal to zuldazar  then from there to silitus and instead of ending up in the  room with the translocator i ends up in the middle of silithus with some  crystals and a enemy camp .

    Either i am getting mad and see things or something is really miss with that quest

    anybody else can give me some info if that’s the normal  start of that quest ?

    in reply to: Allied Races #168543

    so you mean i need to  have the guide open in game with a alliance character to see the other 3 allied races ,i was hoping i could see all guides ,alliance and horde achievement’s ?

    in reply to: Allied Races #168535

    is there or will there be a guide  for all  allied races? 

    I can only find  7  allied races,  4  allied races guides in the  legion feats of strength and 3 in the bfa feats of strength  so i am still missing : Mechagnome, Kul Tiran Human and Dark Iron Dwarf.

    Or are they in a different part of the guide i looked over all the guides but cant seem to find them, if they are in can you tell me where to find them thx .

    I really love that the allied races guides are also in your package ,i was finally  able to unlock the high mountain tauren by means of your guide nice and easy :P

    in reply to: van i delete the trial guide #168403

    O so  the starter guides and  teh trial guides are the same oki thx

    in reply to: 2 questions about 2 update items i haven’t bought yet #167253

    well i finally bought the remaining add on  from you :P , i am already saving  to get the other 2 , i am almost 120 now by means of your guides so thx they worked perfectly. Anyway was wondering if you could tell us what your working on next , just a little tidbit if you have  some , so i know i need to start saving more money lol

    And on a personal note can somebody tell me what those 3  weird icons are on the bottom  left side of the map, i see in the pictures above, for me they are still grayed out.

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