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  • in reply to: What is your level speed? #166744
      I am far from a specific fan of any one AddOn vs the next (especially in terms of guides) however, with that being said I can respect the amount of work that a guide such as this takes to create and execute properly.  I have used the other guides and can honestly say that this guide allows for quite a bit more freedom versus some of the others.  The first difference I noticed is flexibility (as in being able to set what zone you want to level in), in the other guides it truly is nowhere near this level of flexibility.  Dugi’s has surprised me at almost every turn (by the way the “find nearest” feature is simply amazing and well used by myself as well as my wife.)
      As a software developer of twenty-six years I can truly respect with what you do with these guides, they are in no way shape or form easy to create, maintaining them alone must be a nightmare, not too mention adding in features whilst working on other parts of the system in conjunction with Dugi’s Guides.
      For anybody ever to think that a project like this will be 100% done seems a little bit off the shelf (at least in my eyes) as I don’t see a project with such a dynamic structure as these guides ever being 100% complete; and to be honest I don’t think ever marking it as 100% complete would be a good ideal.  Personally I like waking up each morning, downloading a fresh guide and seeing what trinket was added, what new feature we are getting today, that is the mark of good software development.
      In short, love the guides, wonderful, don’t stop doing what you have been doing, it will take time but I know someday the guides will get to where you truly want them to be.  Take care of yourself friend!
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