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  • in reply to: What is your level speed? #166740

    If the only difference is, that this guide is an ingame guide, then i’m sorry to say but yes, i expected way more. + taking into consideration that tons of guides have issues and this is and feels more like a beta (which you deny at all cost, but is proven by threads that are create over and over each day about issues in certain guides).

    Nobody forced you to spend your money.” that’s absolutely right. But also nobody told me, that the “fastest way possible” is actually the same guides as everywhere else.

    If it works i’m happy with it, no doubt!
    But overall there are too many issues (that throw me back again and again) and you know it. Therefore it would have been nice if there is a “early access” discounted “in progress” whatever you want to name it version.

    And not “this is the fastest way possible” if it actually costs you here and there hours more due to wrong navigation, missing steps and so on.

    With an alt character i’ll stick and start 100% with this guide and will give a more detailed experience review. Till then i guess you fixed most of the current issues so leveling is more flawless.

    in reply to: Please explain this #166737

    This actually happens whenever you click on “not now” on the “switch guide” pop up.

    in reply to: Searing Gorge wrong flight point #166717

    Guide sends you through this gate in valley of kings…but it is locked:

     :s  :s  :s  :s 

    in reply to: Searing Gorge wrong flight point #166716

    Also the taxi system has a big bug. Tons of times it sends you across different zones, you waste tons of time only to arrive at a “waypoint” in the nowhere to discover it “updates” itself and all the ant trails are somewhere totally different.

    Seems to be an issue with coordinates across different zones.

    in reply to: Classic Build 1.030 – September 13th 2019 #166695

    How do I activate the 3d model preview again, after I closed the windows?

    Expect more issues. You can’t rely on the guide, always double check where it sends you. Already wasted tons of hours.

    in reply to: Unimpressed with the wow classic guide #166645

    eychimo said:

    First off I want to say am impressed with you responding. Yes I have been completing the guides to 100% percent completion. Just seems that at the place in the guide I am at, I am a couple levels lower then I need to be. I also thought that if your logging out in a inn and not playing but maybe a few hours every day you may be getting major gains from the resting bonus that I am not getting for the most part. I read where “wellnice” is having the same basic problem. Where his level is just a couple levels too low to solo easily. While I am sure many like the idea of hard core leveling for max xp, I am also of the mind that just as many want a bit easier time of it. It is always easy to skip content that is offered if not wanted. I am more of the type who just wants to have fun with the content not the rush to level 60 type. A few more quests between level 0 to 34 when you get to strangleton valley to get the player to 34 and match content would be helpful. That is basically what I am doing now, then will give the guide another go and see how that works. I am better geared then most at my level for some one who is not dungeon leveling. I do after all have leather working to 175 and have the perks to go with it. My thought is that we need more quest and xp progression in the 24 to 34 level. That is where I noticed the major slow down by running into quest quite a bit above me. Just my take on it of course, so mileage will vary. :)

    I doubt you did every guide to 100% and still are too low. Not possible with that amount of quests. I would even say if you finish every single guide you are always some levels ahead.

     I barely finished any guide with 100% (some even only 25-30%) and i am just ~1 lvl too low for badlands now.

    Also you get pretty good quest rewards from instances, which you definitely shouldn’t skip. Even just the blue items some of these quests reward will be used for 10+ lvls.

    in reply to: Unimpressed with the wow classic guide #166641

    Dugi said:

    wellnice said:
    here that for the first time. Thought it is recommended for fastest progression to switch as soon as the guide suggests it.

    can’t do really do that in WoW classic,  fastest progression is hard mode so you’ve been playing in hard mode and you’re complaining to me that its too hard. 

    Maybe you can add a little sentence into the “next guide” window that says “if you switch to the new guide it will be harder” or “It is suggested to complete each guide”.

    Guess that’s not a big effort and helps several people.

    in reply to: Unimpressed with the wow classic guide #166639

    Dugi said:

    wellnice said:

    You didn’t understood what i was saying.

    I mean for example in your guide you recommend players (no matter which class) to go to badlands for 40-41.

    40-41 is the minimum level range, it doesn’t mean that as soon as you hit level 40 you should move to Badlands. 

    the only way for you to stay in “EASY” mode is to complete every guide 100% 

    have you both been completing the guides 100% or did you skip as soon as you pass the level range? 

    If you didn’t finish each guide 100% then you will have problems, because you don’t have all the pre-quest and will end up skipping quest and not gaining enough XP to continue. 

    If you didn’t finish each guide 100% then you will have problems, because you don’t have all the pre-quest and will end up skipping quest and not gaining enough XP to continue. “

    here that for the first time. Thought it is recommended for fastest progression to switch as soon as the guide suggests it.

    in reply to: Unimpressed with the wow classic guide #166636

    Dugi said:

    wellnice said:

    I’ll tell you! Do it as other ingame guides do and let the user select the difficulty whether he/she wants green/yellow/red quests.

    Or give recommendations like “we detected you are playing warrior, as this is the hardest class to level, we suggest…..” and simply do all the questing areas with 1 character level higher.

    Problem solved.

    that’s not a leveling guide that’s just using questie, you’ll end up running back and forth doing 1 quest at a time, that would make you happy ?

    You didn’t understood what i was saying.

    I mean for example in your guide you recommend players (no matter which class) to go to badlands for 40-41.

    If you implement a difficulty selection it could look the following(e.g. lvl 40 player):

    EASY – Stranglethorn Vale 39-40 Guide
    NORMAL – Badlands 40-41 Guide
    HARD – Stranglethorn Vale 42-43 Guide

    So depending on what the player selects, the guide simply sends him sooner/later into the next area.

    In my case, i’m level 40 and i can’t down the rock elementals as a single warrior in badlands for “Study of the Elements:Rock”. They are 43-44…ridiculous to recommend this to a lvl 40 player.

    in reply to: Dustwallow Marsh #166625

    Dugi said:

    of course i googled myself, the shield was not clickable.

    in reply to: Unimpressed with the wow classic guide #166623

    I’ll tell you! Do it as other ingame guides do and let the user select the difficulty whether he/she wants green/yellow/red quests.

    Or give recommendations like “we detected you are playing warrior, as this is the hardest class to level, we suggest…..” and simply do all the questing areas with 1 character level higher.

    Problem solved.

    in reply to: Dustwallow Marsh #166599
    in reply to: Dustwallow Marsh #166598

    Just found out the following two quests “Suspicious Hoofprints” and “Lieutenant Paval Reethe” are also horde quests.

    in reply to: Another issue in Desolace #166569

    football said:

    @wellnice except in the other thread you posted, the error you reported simply didn’t exist. That zone was completely error free. I know, I’m going through them all and I report everything. I wrote why you were experiencing it and Dugi is aware of it and ofcause it will be fixed. I also wrote how to prevent it from happening.
    What you’re seeing with the Slitherblade’s, is a drop rate issue. Nothing else. Welcome to Vanilla. I killed over 50 raptors in Wetlands before my **** stone dropped. I love it! #nochanges!
    The last turn in of “The Karnitol Shipwreck (4)” is at the end of the Stranglethorn Vale (36-37) STEP 118 in Ironforge because that’s where the NPC is and it’s on the way to the next zone which is Alterac Mountains (37-37). It’s not missing. It wouldn’t have made any sense if the step was in the Desolace guide.
    Are we good? :)
    Back to the game /roar

    You turn it in in Desolace and afterwards it sends you to Ironforge! If you follow the guide you leave the area and have to travel back to turn it in!

    It is not only a droprate issue! The guide should clearly state that you should specifically look for the 2 named mobs, not just kill any.

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