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[content_box_light_blue][headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″] Leveled 1 – 90 in 2 days, 2 hours /played time
Yet another amazing result with Dugis![/headline_arial_small_centered]
“So I recently decided to reroll on a new server, and I wanted my hunter again (the class I have always played)
I transfered my heirlooms and started leveling my troll hunter right away, and this is the speed that I achieved!
This is all due to Dugis guides ”
malak4060, joined May 2010 – read more testimonials on our forum [/content_box_light_blue]
[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”000000″]Power Level Your Character Solo The FASTEST Way Possible[/headline_arial_medium_centered]
[green_plus_list width=”85%”]
- Updated for
- For
Alliance &
- 1-90 Leveling Guides
- Automatic Gear Suggestion
- Loremaster & Dungeon Guides
- Daily & Events Guides
- Achievement & Profession Guides
- Title & Reputation Guides
- Pet & Mount Guides
- Fully automated with automatic step detection and automatic waypoints.
- Simple and easy to use. Step-by-step instructions.
- Compatible with ANY level character.
- Compatible with Recruit-a-friend, Dungeons Heirlooms and PVP leveling.
- Lightweight and doesn’t slow down your computer.
[headline_arial_small_centered color=”#070268″]Previous Price

[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]Play on autopilot and stop thinking about what to do next.[/headline_arial_medium_centered]
[content_box width=”85%”]Dugi WoW Leveling Guide, Alliance Leveling Guide, and Horde Leveling Guides have been around since classic World of Warcraft back in 2005 and over the years we have continuously upgraded our leveling guide to meet our customers demands.
Dugi Guides have evolved from a written step-by-step guide to a easy to read in-game guide to a sophisticated fully automatic guide that we named Dugi Guides V6, which is it our 6th generation of in-game leveling guide since we first started.[/content_box]
[content_box_paper_white width=”75%”][headline_arial_medium_left color=”#cc0000″]Dugi WoW Leveling Guides Features[/headline_arial_medium_left]
[green_plus_list width=”100%”]
- 100% Automated System
The standard features alone will allow you to breeze through each zone in World of Warcraft.
Automatic Step Completion
Quest History Tracking
Easy Guide Selection System
- The Taxi System
This is a revolutionary feature unique to Dugi Guides, the best way to explain it is by watching the video presentation.The new Taxi System will make our waypoints arrow very dynamic and it will automatically create the fastest route for your character to get to your location from your current position. It will also automatically suggest the use of Hearthstone, Teleport spells, Flight master, Portals, Boats, Zeppelins and more.
A customized route will be created as if our guide has been tailor made for your character. - Multiple Display Mode
With multiple customizable display options and 16 skins to choose from. Dugi Guides will work and fit with any UI and play style. You now have the option to run with a a small stealth guide that doesn’t clutter your UI or a large detailed guide or even somewhere in between. - 3D Model Viewer
The model viewer will show you exactly what each NPC or Object look like in 3D.
Now you will know exactly what you’re looking for before you reach your destination.
What better description than a 3D image of exactly what you’re looking for. - Map Preview
New and exclusive with Dugi 5.2
The map preview feature will display a cool HUD style display to instantly show you where to go and highlight the quest area. This feature is easily activated by clicking the quest objective button. - Guide Suggest Mode
With Dugi ‘Guide Suggest Mode’ the addon will instantly suggest the best leveling guide for your character, the Suggest button will instantly sync the guide with your character’s level.
There are also three different setting to suit every player skill level.
Easy for Beginners (Slower leveling speed but low risk of death)
Normal for Regulars (Balanced leveling speed and difficulty)
Hard for Veterans (Ideal for good players geared with Heirlooms)
- The ‘Target Button’
This powerful feature is a customized macro to target NPC for you to kill or interact for every single quest and also place an Icon above them to help you find them.
This is a priceless feature that will help you find those pesky hidden NPC or help you compete against other players for killing a monsters in heavily populated servers. Tuned for Every Race and Class
You don’t have worry about the guide not being compatible with your character because Dugi Guides will automatically load the correct questing path for any combination of each race and class. Including the new Monk class and Pandaren race from Mist of Pandaria expansion
[content_box width=”85%”][headline_arial_small_left color=”#000000″]And the bottom line is this: My system for WoW is 100% guaranteed to work for you… just like it’s worked for 47,943 other gamers before you.[/headline_arial_small_left]
[red_arrow_list width=”100%”]
- If you’re tired of wasting time following the wrong path to level 90, this is for you.
- If you don’t know what to do in dungeons, this is for you.
- If you have no idea on how earn reputation and complete daily quest, this is for you.
- If you have no idea on how complete events and gain easy achievements, this is for you.
[order_box_2 width=”75%” + border=”8px”][headline_arial_small_centered color=”#cc0000″]Order the ‘Complete Package’[/headline_arial_small_centered]
Note: The images above are just a representation of our products. All dugiguides.com products
are provided electronically and you will not be sent a physical product.
I understand that:
[green_tick_1_list width=”100%”]
- Upon purchase I will instantly gain a login and password for unlimited instant access to our members area.
- This is a one time purchase fee with no recurring billing. You will need to renew your subscription manually by entering your payment information again.
- The guides that you download during your subscription is yours to keep and you can continue to use it without renewing your subscription. Your account will return back to trial (unpaid) status once the subscription is over and you can only update the addon and trial guides.
- It will be your responsibility to back up the guides that you downloaded. If you wish to download the guides from our server you will need to renew your subscription.
- UltimateWoWGuide.com only provide electronic products and it is only available to view and download online to ensure that our guide is always up to date.
- My Purchase is Entirely Risk Free and backed by an 60 days guarantee[/green_tick_1_list]
[headline_arial_small_centered color=”#070268″]Previous Price $170 Now $47/year
[guarantee_box_1 title=”My 100% Satisfaction Guarantee”]If you don’t like the WoW, Horde or Alliance guides that you purchased for ANY reason, you can return it for an immediate 100% refund of your purchase price. And remember, this is a 60 days guarantee. You’re free to return it next week, next month, or up to 60 days from now. Just e-mail me and I’ll process an immediate 100% refund.
With your instant money-back guarantee, there is literally NO RISK.
– Dave Farrell (Dugi)[/guarantee_box_1]
[content_box width=”85%”]You heard me correctly, these amazing systems for the WoW Leveling Guide, Alliance or Horde Leveling Guide really work. And I stand behind it 100%. Test drive WoW, Horde or Alliance for 60 days.
If you aren’t absolutely thrilled with the WoW, Alliance or Horde Guides for any reason (or for no reason at all) just let me know. I’ll give you a full refund with no questions asked.
There are no questions asked, no “wiggle clauses” and no funny business.
You have 60 full days to put it to work for you, and you either you love it or you get a refund. Wouldn’t it be great if everything came with this kind of guarantee.
So, click here and get your discounted access to Dugi Guides right now. You have absolutely no risk…and everything to gain!
You’ll be thrilled with playing World of Warcraft (WoW) the easy way and overjoyed on how much fun it is to have a level 90 character with the best gears and millions of gold. Click here and get instant access right now.
Wishing you the very best with your adventures in Azeroth
Dave Farrell (Dugi)
P.S Remember the WoW, Alliance or Horde Leveling, Loremaster, Dungeon, Dailies & Events Guides have a combined value of $170 if you purchase them separately, prices may go up at any moment as we continuously add more content for free to our current members. So if you’re at all interested you should buy right now Click here to save $123 now!
[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]What our customer think of our guides…[/headline_arial_medium_centered][/content_box]
[content_box_light_blue width=”75%”][headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]Incredible Value[/headline_arial_small_centered]
“I am just stunned with the way Dugi Guides works. They are the absolute best around. From the ridiculously low price to the service provided, Dugi is the man! I struggled for years to get my Death Knight up in levels, now with Dugi Guides I turn days of leveling into hours! I am a casual player due to my extreme time constraints so I like to maximize my gaming effiency. I was getting bored with wow because leveling had become an agonizingly slow process. I tried Dugi Guides and BOOM, I’m a lean mean leveling machine! I love wow once again and it’s all because of Dugi! I showed my buddies and their eyes almost popped out of their heads, they all went home and got the guides. I’ve never seen a company work so hard for so little money.
The guide is top notch, the support and communications are unrivaled, the updates and improvements are amazing. I have my leveling guide and I will be getting Dugi’s other guides, count on it. Thank you Dugi you are the undisputed best!”
seekkindness, joined Dec 2010 – read more testimonials on our forum [/content_box_light_blue]
[content_box_light_blue width=”75%”][headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″] Best money spent[/headline_arial_small_centered]
“For more than a year in WOTLK I did nothing but raiding and some dailies here and there. I leveled a bit on a few alts and, as all are aware, it cost to support alts sometimes. I did dailies, and LFG quests until the Dungeon finder came along. I did 2 or 3 randoms then logged off if not a raid night. I was bored with the grind of dailies and wanted a change.
I bought the leveling guide to work on my alts and get my main to 85. After seeing how easy it was, I got my main alt to 85 as well.
I decided to try the dailies guide and maybe it wouldn’t be such a drag to get the Exalted Gear. I cant farm Heroics due to the 35 to 45 min queue time on my server for dps so the tabards don’t help me much.
After following the Dailies Guide it was such a breeze to get Exalted with a few factions, I started farming dailies everywhere while waiting in queue for heroics, and it make the wait seem like no time has passed and I average 2k per day income between dailies, random, and loot.
Now I have 4 toons at 85, 3 of which are at item level 349 + and 3 more that are at 75, 80, and 82. If I could have it to do all over again, I wouldnt hesitate to spend the money on Dugi’s Guides.
With the work they do on this, I think its a real bargain.”
wyzrdx, joined Dec 2010 – read more testimonials on our forum [/content_box_light_blue]
[content_box_light_blue width=”75%”][headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]Have to say, WOW Dugi![/headline_arial_small_centered]
“I’ve been a WoW player now since Beta and had a few toons that I always max leveled and played on a regular basis. I loved my other toons (have 1 of each class) but the quest/level grinds were beginning to get to me and soon they fell by the wayside of my play time. I started with Dailies and Events guide and once I started seeing how good the app was, I’ve never turned back and picked up all the Alliance mods. I’m now almost fully level 85’s with all my toons. Only 1 level on my hunter and 4 levels on my warrior until I’m done.
Dugi, these guides make leveling those toons so much more enjoyable and completely lost track of time and worries as I just followed the arrows, killed everything I felt like killing and just turned in quest after quest.
Anyone considering this addon, the money is worth it. And not only is the app a complete joy, but Dugi’s customer service has never failed to impress me and I can’t recommend this service enough.
Good on ya Dugi! You got a customer for as long as you keep going with it. You provide a “GREAT” app and the service you provide is top notch.”
Moonrager, joined Aug 2010 – read more testimonials on our forum [/content_box_light_blue]
[content_box_light_blue width=”75%”][headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]The greatest wow guides… ever![/headline_arial_small_centered]
“Dugi’s guides are the greatest thing that has happened to me in my whole time playing WoW. I have almost all of them now and they are so helpful and easy to use. It couldn’t be simpler to install them and start using them straight away. The waypoint arrows are spot on and each step of every guide is detailed with everything you need to know. They really are perfect and i have recommended them to all of my friends in-game.
Dugi’s guides really do have the WoW factor. (Pardon the pun) ”
Yenfire, joined May 2010 – read more testimonials on our forum [/content_box_light_blue]
[guarantee_bar_60Day]guarantee bar [/guarantee_bar_60Day]
[headline_arial_small_centered]Why would you pay for a WoW Guide?[/headline_arial_small_centered]